Tag: Investigação

Livros interessantes… (e que gostava de ter acesso)

Já é possivel aceder gratuitamente (18 março de 2004) a este livro intitulado “StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy” de Simon Dor. O conteúdo passa pelas secções:
1. Decoding and Foreseeing
2. A Distinct Purity of Form
3. No rush
4. Path Of ascension
5. A distinct Purity of Essence

E ainda como texto de apresentação surge:
“StarCraft (Blizzard Entertainment, 1998) is a real-time strategy video game, placing the player in command of three extraterrestrial races fighting against each other for strategic control of resources, terrain, and power. Simon Dor examines the game’s unanticipated effect by delving into the history of the game and the two core competencies it encouraged: decoding and foreseeing. Although StarCraft was not designed as an e-sport, its role in developing foreseeing skills helped give rise to one of the earliest e-sport communities in South Korea.

Apart from the game’s clear landmark status, StarCraft offers a unique insight into changes in gaming culture and, more broadly, the marketability and profit of previously niche areas of interest. The book places StarCraft in the history of real-time strategy games in the 1990s—Dune II, Command & Conquer, Age of Empires—in terms of visual style, narrative tropes, and control. It shows how design decisions, technological infrastructures, and a strong contribution from its gaming community through Battle.net and its campaign editor were necessary conditions for the flexibility it needed to grow its success. In exploring the fanatic clusters of competitive players who formed the first tournaments and professionalized gaming, StarCraft shows that the game was key to the transition towards foreseeing play and essential to competitive gaming and e-sports.”

+infos(oficial): LINK

Também encontrei este livro, “Assassin’s Creed in the Classroom History’s Playground or a Stab in the Dark?” dos editores Erik Champion e Juan Francisco Hiriart Vera. Do texto de apresentação surge:
“The open world role-playing Assassin’s Creed video game series is one of the most successful series of all time, praised for its in-depth use of historical characters and events, compelling graphics, and addictive gameplay. Assassin’s Creed games offer up the possibility of exploring history, mythology, and heritage immersively, graphically, and imaginatively. This collection of essays by architects archaeologists and historiansexplores the learning opportunities of playing, modifying, and extending the games in the classroom, on location, in the architectural studio, and in a museum.”

O livro tem também os seguintes contributos:
Introduction: History’s Playground or a Stab in the Dark?
Chapter 1 Historical Video Games and Teaching Practices
Chapter 2 Discovery Tour Curriculum Guides to Improve Teachers’ Adoption of Serious Gaming
Chapter 3 Christian Vikings Storming Templar Castles: Anachronism as a Teaching Tool
Chapter 4 Ludoforming the Past: Mediation of Play and Mediation of History through Videogame Design
Chapter 5 Exploring History through Depictions of Historical Characters in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Chapter 6 Empathy and Historical Learning in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Discovery Tour
Chapter 7 The Discovery Tour as a Mediated Tool for Teaching and Learning History
Chapter 8 Discovering the Past as a Virtual Foreign Country: Assassin’s Creed as Historical Tourism
Chapter 9 Classical Creations in a Modern Medium: Using Story Creator Mode in a University Assignment
Chapter 10 Assassin’s Creed @ The Carlos: Merging Games and Gallery in the Museum
Chapter 11 From the Sketchbook to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: An Experiment in Architectural Education
Chapter 12 Assassin’s Creed As Immersive and Interactive Architectural History

+infos(oficial): LINK

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The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies

Gostava de ter acesso a este livro que é uma coleção de textos de vários autores. “The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies” editado por Mark J.P. Wolf, Bernard Perron

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Encontrei este grupo “IGDA Climate Special Interest Group” que é um SIG e que se debruça sobre: “serves to unlock grassroots climate action, enable climate councils on every major game company, and amplify the UN Environment’s message about youth advocacy, the power of video games, the climate crisis, and what games can do.”

têm produzidos vários documentos bem como alguns videos sobre o tema de desenvolvimento de videojogos. Mais um recursos sobre este tema!!

+infos(oficial): https://www.igdaclimatesig.org/


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II Seminario Internacional. TRANSMEDIACIONES II: narratividad y videojuegos

Palestras online e interessantes acerca do tema de videojogos.. do programa, que dura dois duas, consta:

“Vestidos de corte imperio, una dosis de ingenio y mucho té: las adaptaciones transmedia de Jane Austen” por Susana Pajares Tosca (Universidad de Roskilde, Dinamarca)
Mesa redonda 1: Literatura y Videojuegos por Manuel Broullón, Juan Manuel Díaz, María Serrano
“Las huellas de Peirce en la ludonarrativa” por Luis Navarrete (Universidad de Sevilla)
“La ingeniería del metaverso: Desafíos tecnológicos y de diseño para el futuro de la ficción” por Federico Peinado (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
“Videojuegos, narrativas y mecánicas para pensar otros mundos posibles” por Eurídice Cabañes (Arsgames)
Mesa redonda “Nuevos perfiles profesionales en comunicación para medios digitales” por Joaquín Aguirre Romero, Sergio Gutiérrez, Mar Marcos
“La nueva transmedia de los medios digitales” por Lynx Reviewer
“La narrativa como hilo conductor del proceso creativo en videojuegos” por Belén Mainer Blanco (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)

+infos(oficial): https://www.ucm.es/transmedialab/narratividadvideojuegos

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20th International Federation for Information Processing – International Conference on Entertainment Computing (IFIP-ICEC 2021)

“IFIP-ICEC is the longest lasting and prime scientific conference series in the area of Entertainment Computing. It brings together practitioners, researchers, artists, designers, and industry on the design, creation, development, use, application and evaluation of digital entertainment content and experience systems. In addition, it brings together research on education and entertainment. This event covers a diverse array of related research issues, including game-based learning and other learning experiences associated with entertainment.”

Design and Analysis
Game Design: Theory, Creation & Testing
Interactive Narratives & Digital Storytelling
Entertainment Robots, Toys & Smart Gadgets
Social Media / Social Computing Entertainments
New Genres of Interactive & Digital Entertainment
Interactive Art, Performance and Novel Interactions

Digital Art & Installations
Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality & Entertainment
Ubiquitous/Pervasive Entertainment
Sound, Music & Performance
TransMedia and Entertainment
Entertainment Devices, Platforms & Systems

Digital Entertainment Hardware & Devices
Entertainment for Nomadic Users
Ambient Entertainment
Digital Broadcasting and Digital Cinema
Interactive Television and Broadcasting
Theoretical Foundations and Ethical Issues

Experiential Aspects in Entertainment
Emotions and Affective Interaction
Theoretical Basis of Entertainment
Social / Cultural Impacts of Digital Entertainment
Issues of Public Relations & Advertising Through Entertainment
Entertainment for Purpose & Persuasion

Serious Games
Games for Learning, Health & Well-Being
Games For Change & Social Impact Games
Advergames and Digital Marketing

Computational Methodologies for Entertainment
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Entertainment
Procedural Content Generation
Computer Graphics & Visual Effects
Big Data in Entertainment
Security & Privacy in Entertainment

Algorithmic research on board and card games
New types of entertainment using information technologies
Hardware technology research and development to implement entertainment systems
Non-traditional human interface technologies for entertainment

+infos(oficial): https://ifip-icec2021.dei.uc.pt/

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Recursos como textos e livros

Encontrei uma editora em Berlim que tem algumas coisas relacionadas com videojogos, várias investigações, sobre diferentes perspetivas, ..e interessantes, algumas delas são:
Game Production Studies, por Olli Sotamaa, Jan Svelch
Experimental Games Critique, Play, and Design in the Age of Gamification, por Patrick Jagoda
A Precarious Game The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry, por Ergin Bulut
Gaming as Art Perspectives on the Relationship between Art and Digital Gaming, por Frank G. Bosman
Time and Space in Video Games A Cognitive-Formalist Approach, por Federico Alvarez Igarzábal
(Not) In the Game History, Paratexts, and Games Regina Seiwald, por Ed Vollans
How to Play Video Games Matthew Thomas Payne, por Nina B. Huntemann
Games and Rules Game Mechanics for the »Magic Circle«, por Beat Suter, Mela Kocher, René Bauer, Kollektion-Knowledge Unlatched Auswahl

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Game Production Studies (um livro)

Mais um daqueles livros que é para ler, sendo que neste caso os trabalhos de investigação que constam no livro são as seguintes:
Introduction: Why Game Production Matters?
Hobbyist Game Making Between Self-Exploitation and SelfEmancipation
Self-Making and Game Making in the Future of Work
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Circulations and Biographies of French Game Workers in a ‘Global Games’ Era
Intermediating the Everyday : Indie Game Development and the Labour of Co-Working Spaces
Game Developers Playing Games : Instrumental Play, Game Talk, and Preserving the Joy of Play
Game Development Live on Twitch : Observations of Practice and Educational Synergies
Unity Production: Capturing the Everyday Game Maker Market
More Than One Flop from Bankruptcy : Rethinking Sustainable Independent Game Development
How to Study Game Publishers: Activision Blizzard’s Corporate History
Who Creates Microtransactions : The Production Context of Video Game Monetization
Regulating In-Game Monetization : Implications of Regulation on Games Production
Promises of the Periphery : Producing Games in the Communist and Transformation-Era Czechoslovakia
Construction and Negotiation of Entrepreneurial Subjectivities in the Polish Video Game Industry
The Development of Greater China’s Games Industry : From Copying to Imitation to Innovation
Before and After: Towards Inclusive Production Studies, Theories, and Methods

Este livro foi editado por Olli Sotamaa, Jan Svelch.

Existem outros deste grupo de trabalho que parecem ser também interessantes e que são:
Persuasive Gaming in Context (free)
Minor Platforms in Videogame History
Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape
Transnational Play Piracy, Urban Art, and Mobile Games

+infos(oficial): https://www.aup.nl/en/series/games-and-play

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Repositório para investigação sobre videojogos

Encontrei mais um repositório de investigação :)

+infos(Tampere University of Technology): LINK

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Um grupo de trabalho, acerca de videojogos

Encontrei, durante o trabalho que estava a realizar, um grupo de trabalho, o Game Hub Scandinavia,  que tem desenvolvido um trabalho muito interessante dedicado ao perfil de saída dos alunos de três países: Noruega, Dinamarca e Suécia. Das leituras dos documentos dá para perceber que todos os alunos acabam por ficar nestes países a trabalhar e que tem havido uma melhoria no ensino e que talvez por esse motivo, nestes países têm saído para o mercado um grande número de videojogos com grande qualidade.

leituras que recomendo:
Working with Serious Games, de Björn Berg Marklund, Marcus Hellkvist, Per Backlund, Henrik Engström, e Marcus Toftedahl
Game Localization
Swedish game Education: 2001-2016, de Björn Berg Marklund
Higher Video-Game Education in Scandinavia
New handbook for indie game devs and educational institutions

+infos(oficial): LINK

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5th International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (conferência)

Chamada de trabalhos até 26 de abril, sendo que os temas são:
Communication skills
Games Done Quick
Community building
Group dynamics
Educational dimension of game jams and hackathons
Incentives and rewards in game jams and hackathons
Game design issues in game jams
Learning in game jams and hackathons
Game jam and hackathon attendance: who and why?
Game jam and hackathon impacts
Rapid game development
Game jam and hackathon methodologies
Team formation
Game jam and hackathon resources and assets
Theme development

Os trabalhos apresentados nesta conferência podem ser consultados, em:
ICGJ 2016 (LINK)
ICGJ 2017 (LINK)
ICGJ 2018 (LINK)
ICGJ 2019 (LINK)

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Investigação acerca dos videojogos e a nossa saúde..

Um local interessante para pesquisar/investigar acerca dos videojogos e alguns dos factores da nossa saúde :) Interessante ver que nos últimos anos o numero de artigos que se preocupam com o uso de videojogos têm vindo a subir..

+infos(PubMed): LINK

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Studying Indie Games na Noruega

Vai decorrer na Noruega, mais concretamente no Department of Art and Media Studies, na universidade de Norwegian University of Science and Technology, um Workshop “Studying Indie Games” onde vão ser apresentados os seguintes temas:

  • Games about Games: On the Forms and Functions of Metareference in Recent Indie Games por Theresa Krampe (Justus Liebig University Giessen)
  • Getting in Touch with Indie Games: Narrative Artefacts and Materiality por Hanns Christian Schmidt (University of Cologne)
  • Exploring Indie Horror Games: On Perturbations in Fran Bow (2015) and Five Nights at FreddyÕs (2014) por Stephanie Lotzow
  • Indie Games and the homo ludens digitalis: Sharpening the Tools of Media Aesthetics por Christopher Lukman (University of MŸnster)
  • The World Is Your PlayDohÓ: Procedural Content Generation and Player Agency in Astroneer (2019) por Bettina Bodi


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The Pyramid of Game Design

Gostava de ter acesso a este livro “The Pyramid of Game Design” de Nicholas Lovell:

“Game design is changing. The emergence of service games on PC, mobile and console has created new expectations amongst consumers and requires new techniques from game makers.

In The Pyramid of Game Design, Nicholas Lovell identifies and explains the frameworks and techniques you need to deliver fun, profitable games. Using examples of games ranging from modern free-to-play titles to the earliest arcade games, via PC strategy and traditional boxed titles, Lovell shows how game development has evolved, and provides game makers with the tools to evolve with it.

Harness the Base, Retention and Superfan Layers to create a powerful Core Loop.
Design the player Session to keep players playing while being respectful of their time.
Accept that there are few fixed rules: just trade-offs with consequences.
Adopt Agile and Lean techniques to “learn what you need you learn” quickly
Use analytics, paired with design skills and player feedback, to improve the fun, engagement and profitability of your games.
Adapt your marketing techniques to the reality of the service game era
Consider the ethics of game design in a rapidly changing world.
Lovell shows how service games require all the skills of product game development, and more. He provides a toolset for game makers of all varieties to create fun, profitable games. Filled with practical advice, memorable anecdotes and a wealth of game knowledge, the Pyramid of Game Design is a must-read for all game developers.

+infos(editora): LINK


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DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association)

“DiGRA is the association for academics and professionals who research digital games and associated phenomena. It encourages high-quality research on games, and promotes collaboration and dissemination of work by its members.”

encontrei esta associação que reúne investigadores acerca de jogos :) .. vamos lá ver no que eles partilham ;)

+infos(oficial): http://www.digra.org/

+infos(biblioteca aberta): http://www.digra.org/digital-library/

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International Game Developers Association (IGDA)

A International Game Developers Association é uma associação internacional de malta que anda a desenvolver videojogos. Esta associação está localizada no Canadá, e vai fazendo alguma publicidade acerca dos eventos que se vão realizando um pouco por todo o mundo relacionados por exemplo com conferências.

É interessante que na página se possam aceder a alguns recursos, alguns deles dicas, relacionados com o desenvolvimento de videojogos.

alguns desses recursos são links para outras referências como, estatísticas:
Chart Track
DFC Intelligence
Electronic Entertainment Design and Research (EEDAR)
ESA Industry Facts
Forrester Research
Gartner Group
IHS Technology
International Development Group
Jon Peddie Research
Juniper Research
Magic Box Game Charts
Research and Markets
Strategy Analytics
Videogame Sales Charts

noticias, eventos ou acesso a listas de empresas.

+infos(recursos oficiais): https://www.igda.org/page/resources

+infos(questionários oficiais): https://www.igda.org/page/surveys

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a ler:
Four Ways to Teach with Video Games por Max Lieberman

a consumir:

a aprender:


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Livros interessantes… (e que gostava de ter acesso)

Resonant Games Design Principles for Learning Games that Connect Hearts, Minds, and the Everyday de Eric Klopfer, Jason Haas, Scot Osterweil and Louisa Rosenheck (LINK)

Future Gaming Creative Interventions in Video Game Culture de Paolo Ruffino (LINK)

Connected Gaming What Making Video Games Can Teach Us about Learning and Literacy de Yasmin B. Kafai and Quinn Burke (LINK)

How Games Move Us Emotion de Design de Katherine Isbister (LINK)

e estudos compilados em livros:

Handbook of Computer Game Studies de Joost Raessens and Jeffrey Goldstein (LINK)

Video Games Around the World de Mark J. P. Wolf (LINK)

Computer Games and the Social Imaginary de Graeme Kirkpatrick (LINK)

Computer Games: Text, Narrative and Play de Diane Carr, David Buckingham, Andrew Burn e Gareth Schott (LINK)

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Um bom site sobre estatística sobre o consumo de videojogos em Portugal e não só.
digital_media_estudo1digital_media_estudo4 digital_media_estudo3digital_media_estudo2

+infos: LINK

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Tema: “Integration and deployment of video games in the classroom”, “Role of instructors”

Livro “Developments in Current Game-Based Learning Design and Deployment”: LINK

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