Tag: videojogos
Estúdios portugueses de gaming fecharam contratos com publishers internacionais durante a Gamescom, por Rui Pereira
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“Estúdios portugueses de gaming fecharam contratos com publishers internacionais durante a Gamescom
Em representação dos estúdios portugueses, o pavilhão organizado pela APVP contou com a parceria do consórcio eGames Lab e o Gaming Hub da Unicorn Factory Lisboa. O objetivo foi facilitar o networking, negócios e parcerias entre os diferentes “players” da indústria.
A Associação de produtores de videojogos portugueses (APVP) fez um balanço bastante positivo da presença da comitiva portuguesa na Gamescom 2024, o maior evento da indústria do gaming. Contando atualmente com 29 associados, a associação tem como missão alavancar a indústria nacional de produção de videojogos e a sua promoção, dentro e fora do país.
O crescimento da indústria em Portugal, onde nos últimos anos se regista mais produtores e estúdios, num aumento que reflete a resiliência, consolidação e diversificação do sector, aponta a associação. Por outro lado, aponta que a expansão da indústria se deve aos esforços concertados das empresas nacionais em expandir a presença no mercado global. Em rota inversa, a APVP diz que tem havido um interesse internacional de novos estúdios a estabelecerem operações em Portugal.
A Gamescom, que acabou no último domingo, recebeu mais de 30 mil profissionais na sua área de negócios. Esta área com 230 mil metros quadrados concentravam 1.400 pavilhões, com 48 a representar 37 países. E Portugal foi um dos países estreantes com um pavilhão dedicado nesta área de negócios, naquele que foi um esforço conjunto da APVP, o consórcio eGames Lab e o Gaming Hub da Unicorn Factory Lisboa, onde as empresas tiveram a oportunidade para promover a internacionalização da indústria portuguesa.
O presidente da APVP, Jeferson Valadares, destacou a presença de 10 empresas portuguesas no evento, incluindo os estúdios ONTOP, Redcatpig e a One Way Eleven. Também estiverem presentes os prestadores de serviços como a Kokku e fornecedores de ferramentas como a Anybrain e a Testwaves. A comitiva incluiu ainda a presença da plataforma portuguesa de distribuição de apps Aptoide, que recentemente vendeu a sua participação na Faurecia Aptoide Automotive para se concentrar no novo Marketplace para iOS e Android. Astral Shift, Didimo, Fortis Games, Ground Control Games, Camel 101 e Massive Galaxy foram outras das empresas nacionais presentes.
“Mais de 25 empresas portuguesas tiveram representantes no evento e pudemos receber na nossa casa longe de casa um número ainda maior de profissionais portugueses presentes no evento a representar empresas estrangeiras”, sublinhou o presidente da APVP. Além do networking e possibilidade de mostrar os videojogos neste palco global, a presença no evento também serviu para reforçar e aproximar a comunidade portuguesa de produtores, que trabalham tanto em Portugal como no resto do mundo.
Em nota paralela, a APVP participou na Assembleia Geral da Federação Europeia de Produtores de Videojogos (EGDF) que se realizou na Gamescom. A associação esteve envolvido nas discussões de visão e estratégia das congéneres europeias. Jeferson Valadares salienta que a união é fundamental, sendo vital o trabalho conjunto para posicionar a Europa como um centro global de produção de videojogos. Desde o início da atividade que a associação nacional trabalha de perto com a EGDF, considerando que as políticas europeias têm repercussão direta no desenvolvimento da indústria em Portugal. Desta forma é possível aceder a recursos e condições necessárias para que os produtores portugueses possam competir a nível internacional.
O estúdio Camel 101 esteve no pavilhão da Europa Criativa, um programa da União Europeia para o apoio exclusivo aos sectores culturais e criativos. Levou na bagagem o seu próximo jogo Beneath que teve oportunidade de mostrar às editoras e imprensa internacional. A norueguesa Funcom, que tem um braço em Lisboa, também esteve presentes com Dune Awakening, um dos jogos destacados na conferência de abertura Opening Night Live.
A APVP organizou um evento local Happy Hour, em parceria com a DevGAMM no dia 22 de agosto, acolhendo no pavilhão de Portugal mais de 150 profissionais de diversos países com o objetivo de networking e trocas de ideias. Foi também anunciada a segunda edição do DevGAMM em Lisboa, que se vai realizar nos dias 14 e 15 de novembro. O evento volta a realizar-se em Cascais, tendo confirmados oradores internacionais de empresas como a Mojang Studios, Guerrilla Games e IO Interactive.
Em declarações ao SAPO TEK, Diogo Rato, diretor executivo da APVP, destaca o conjunto heterogéneo de propostas que levaram para o pavilhão de Portugal. “Apesar de ainda não termos recolhido os dados, mas já tenho a informação que houve vários estúdios que conseguiram começar conversas com publishers, houve estúdios que fecharam contratos com publishers, vários dos fornecedores de serviços e ferramentas conseguiram contratos para explorar nos próximos anos”, referindo como muito positiva a participação no evento.
Depois dos dias presentes na área de business, a comitiva portuguesa voltou-se para as demonstrações ao público geral, os consumidores, entre os dias 22 a 25 de agosto. Uma oportunidade de expor alguns dos títulos nacionais aos cerca de 335 mil visitantes.
O recém-lançado Exophobia do estúdio Zarc Attack e Townseek da Whale and Games foram alguns dos títulos presentes. “Ainda não tive oportunidade de falar com eles desde que chegaram, mas tiveram muito boa receção”, refere Diogo Rato, acrescentando que o “mercado atualmente está num ciclo não brilhante e não é o mais promissor, mas do lado B2B, aquele que contactei mais de perto, tivemos pela primeira vez, creio, a ONTOP a mostrar um jogo de realidade aumentada na zona de negócios a tentar angariar a atenção da imprensa e correu muito bem”.
Diogo Rato destaca ainda a presença de Arc Seed da Massive Galaxy no evento da Gamescom no Steam. “Os números da wish list não foram brilhantes, mas foram bons”. O diretor da APVP salientou ainda a passagem de vários publishers no pavilhão de Portugal, onde foram pedidos contactos de estúdios portugueses para publicar, “um fenómeno que não costuma acontecer muitas vezes, eles virem falar diretamente connosco, o que demonstra o um interesse de futuro bastante promissor”.
Depois da Gamescom, a APVP já tem na agenda outras iniciativas mobilizadoras a nível internacional. O Indie Dev Day em Barcelona, que decorre entre os dias 27 a 29 de setembro, junta a APVP ao Gaming Hub do Unicorn Factory Lisboa, o IndieX e a organização do Indie Dev Day criaram a marca Game Ibérica, levam-se estúdios portugueses a Espanha e espanhóis a Portugal. “Dada a cultura indie mais acesa em Espanha, vamos levar seis estúdios a Barcelona, já os escolhemos e vamos ter um espaço dedicado aos produtores independentes de Portugal”. No ano passado foram três estúdios, incluindo a Massive Galaxy, a Digitality e o Game Dev Técnico. E em junho foram também quatro estúdios portugueses a Madrid.
+infos(fonte): LINK
Humble Software Bundle (campanha)
Uma campanha bastante interessante com um conjunto de sons e musicas do estilo arcade. A “Audio Arcade The definitive collection of music and Sound From OVABI Sound” e como texto de apresentação: “Give your project that last bit of audio polish it needs to truly shine with this bundle from Ovani Sound. You’ll get a vast collection of royalty-free music and sound FX ready to plug into your project, as well as powerful time-saving audio plugins usable on all major game engines. From masterfully crafted gunshots and explosions and music packs that span moods and genres, to music and ambiance plugins for Godot, Unity, and Unreal Engine, your audio needs will be well and fully sorted.”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Guns Sound FX Pack
Environmental Ambience Godot Plugin
Lo-Fi Music Pack
Epic Music Pack
Heavy Electronic Music Pack
Environmental Ambiences Sound FX Pack Vol. 2
Science Fiction Sound FX Pack Vol. 3
Electronic Music Pack Vol. 5
Magical Music Pack Vol. 2
Casual Music Pack Vol. 2
Ambient Music Pack Vol. 5
Metal Music Pack Vol. 3
Horror Music Pack Vol. 5
Simple Magic Sound FX Pack Vol. 2
Explosives Sound FX Pack
Body Horror Sound FX Pack
Foley: Props Sound FX Pack
Harvesting Sound FX Pack
Heavy Vehicles Sound FX Pack
Environmental Ambience Unity Plugin
Children’s Music Pack
Synthwave Music Pack
80s Music Pack
Pirate Music Pack
Eastern Music Pack
Keys Music Pack
Foley: Inventory Sound FX Pack
Air Sound FX Pack
Foley: Sports Sound FX Pack
Steampunk Sound FX Pack Vol. 2
Roblox Music Plugin
Unreal Music Plugin
Unity Music Plugin
Godot Music Plugin
Rhythmic Music Pack Vol. 2
Fantasy Music Pack Vol. 4
Jazz Music Pack
Retro Sound FX Pack Vol. 2
Earth Sound FX Pack
Medieval Sound FX Pack Vol. 3″
+infos(oficial): LINK
Outra campanha de assetes bastante interessante já que abrange três games engines o que é raro, e tem como titulo “Leartes Studios Unreal Unity Godot Mega Flash Sale” e como texto de apresentação: “Game makers, this flash sale is coming in hot! Get your hands on a jam-packed bundle of assets for your next Unity or Unreal Engine project, including high-quality environments, props, character and vehicle models, audio assets, tools, and more! From post-apocalyptic wastelands to dark medieval milieus, these ready-to-use and customizable assets will help you realize your vision, whatever it may be.”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Medieval Village Environment
Post Apocalyptic Wasteland Environment
Siege Of Ponthus Environment
Stylized Medieval Town
Dark Medieval Megapack
US Capitol Exterior Environment
Ultimate Level Art Tool
Wills Room Interior
Student Apartment Interior
Carpenter’s Workshop Environment
Stylized Tuscany Seaside
Cyberpunk Japan Holograms
Cyberpunk Street Lights
Military Drone – Rigged/BP Controllable
Cyberpunk Assault Rifles
SFX Warzone
Driveable Animated Excavator Dozer ( Material Variations )
VFX Explosion (Unreal Engine)
Cyberpunk Handguns (Unreal Engine)
Classic Tram / Functional
Command Center Environment
Stylized House Interior
Abandoned Swimming Pool Environment
Office Corridor Interior
Abandoned Horror Mansion Interior
Stylized Castle Environment
Cyberpunk Benches
Post Apocalyptic Melee Weapons VOL.1
Hatchback Car Driveable / Animated / Realistic
Material Assignment Tool
500 fantasy icons
Medieval / Viking Weapons and Shields Set (18 Pieces)
Rocket Unreal Engine Plugin
Object Distribution Tool”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de alguns livros relacionados com game design e outros que contam histórias como algumas tecnologias surgiram no mercado e o impacto que tiveram “All About Gaming – the mit press” tem como texto de apresentação: “Ever wondered what it’s like to be a game designer? Curious about the origins of your favorite video and tabletop games? This wide-ranging library from MIT Press takes you behind-the-scenes of the gaming world! Discover the colorful histories of gaming stalwarts like Dungeons & Dragons, World of Warcraft, Nintendo, and Atari. Dive deep into seminal games like Journey, The Last of Us Part II, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Step into the shoes of real-life video game creators for frontline accounts on the rigors of the game dev process.”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Game Wizards
The Elusive Shift
Who Are You?
Virtual Reality
Super Power, Spoony Bards, and Silverware
Atari to Zelda
How Games Move Us: Emotion by Design
Developer’s Dilemma: The Secret World of Videogame Creators
Uncertainty in Games
The Warcraft Civilization
Codename Revolution: The Nintendo Wii Platform
Racing the Beam
The Stuff Games Are Made Of
The Videogame Industry Does Not Exist
Player vs. Monster
Playing at a Distance
Arcade Britannia
Wandering Games
Treacherous Play
Play like a Feminist.
The Infinite Playground
Playing Smart
Zones of Control
Virtual Economies
Rules of Play”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha para aprender a trabalhar com Godot, Pygame, Unreal e Unity. Com o titulo “Learn gamedev with godot, unreal, unity & gamemaker software” tem como texto de apresentação: “Ready to get started making games in Unreal Engine, Unity, and Godot? This bundle is packed with comprehensive online courses for all those popular and powerful game engines, and more! Learn to harness Godot’s 2D capabilities and create challenging tower defense games, brutal bullet hells, and more. Leverage the power of Unreal Engine to build everything from exciting multiplayer experiences to spooky horror games. Craft your ultimate turn-based game in Unity, pick up essential game dev skills like asset creation in Blender, coding in Python, and much more!”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Mobile Game Development with Godot
Unity Mini-Course – Extended C# Coding Techniques
Intro to Pygame
Build a Tower Defense Game in Godot 4
Develop a Bullet Hell in Godot 4
Build a Complete, Fully-Fledged 2D Game with Godot
Intro to Multiplayer in Unreal Engine
Make a Horror Game in Unreal Engine
Create a Horror Game in Godot 4
Discover Procedural Generation in Godot 4
Build a Complete Puzzle Game with Godot and C#
Make a Metroidvania in Godot 4
Build a Walking Simulator with Godot 4
Make an AI State Machine in Godot 4
Make a Mini-Survival Game in Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine Mini-Projects
The Complete 2D Action RPG Unity Course
The Complete Procedural Terrain Generation Unity Course
Create a 3D Turn-Based RPG in Unity
Generate AI Player Avatars with DALL-E and Unity
Unity UI Projects – Create an Inventory Screen
Unity Associate Game Developer Certification Practice Exam
Debugging Foundations for Unity
Intro to Game Development with GameMaker
Learn MonoGame by Creating a Complete Game
Intermediate Python – Virtual Pet with Pygame
Intermediate Python – Learn Pygame by Making a Game
Intro to Rigging Models in Blender
UV Mapping in Blender for Beginners
Learn 3D Modeling with Blender from Scratch (NEW EDITION 2024)
Intro to Pixel Art with Photoshop
Intro to the Game Development Industry
Level Design for Beginners
Intro to Unreal Engine Game Development
UI/UX for Game Design”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Mais uma mega campanha com Assets para o motor Unity e para o motor Unreal. Com o titulo “Unreal Engine And Unity Mega Bundle ” tem como texto de apresentação: “Bring the worlds in your imagination to life in Unity and Unreal Engine with this mind-blowingly massive collection of environments, props, tools, and more! From sprawling cyberpunk dystopias to soul-stirring medieval villages, you’ll have the building blocks to create masterwork game environments that will transport your players. You’ll get over three dozen megapacks made up of modular assets that you can mix and match as you please, that utilize engine-native cutting-edge tools like Nanite and Lumen”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Cyberpunk City Megapack (Unreal Engine)
Modular Industrial Factory Megapack (Unreal Engine)
Modular Abandoned Hospital (Unreal Engine)
Modular Medieval Fortress Megapack (Unreal Engine)
Stylized Nature: Heavenly Castle (Unity)
Modular Graveyard / Cemetery (Unreal Engine)
Modular Abandoned Hospital (Unity)
Modular Rural Town / Rural Village (Unreal Engine)
Modular Fantasy / Medieval Village Megapack (Unreal Engine)
Modular Stylized Fantasy Town (Unreal Engine)
Modular Medieval Town Megapack (Unreal Engine)
Modular Medieval Town Megapack (Unity)
Modular Dungeon: Dungeon Building Kit (Unity)
Pirate Island: Modular Island Megapack (Unreal Engine)
Pirate Island: Modular Island Megapack (Unity)
Modular Viking Village Megapack (Unreal Engine)
Modular Viking Village Megapack (Unity)
Modular Medieval War Camp (Unreal Engine)
Modular Medieval War Camp (Unity)
Dark Fantasy Weapons Bundle (Unreal Engine)
Dark Fantasy Weapons (Unity)
Modular Stylized Desert Town (Unreal Engine)
Modular Stylized Desert Town (Unity)
House On A Hill (Unreal Engine)
House On A Hill (Unity)
Olympus: Temple Of The Gods (Unreal Engine)
Olympus: Temple Of The Gods (Unity)
The Messenger: Ancient Mountain (Unreal Engine)
The Messenger: Ancient Mountain (Unity)
Nanite Series: Medieval Market Kit (Unreal Engine)
Nanite Series: Modular Houses (Unreal Engine)
Nanite Series: Food & Dining Kit (Unreal Engine)
Nanite Series: Village Kit (Unreal Engine)
Nanite Series: Church/Cathedral Kitbash (Unreal Engine)
Nanite Series: War Camp kit (Unreal Engine)
Nanite Series: Castle Kit (Unreal Engine)
Nanite Series: Harbor Kit (Unreal Engine)
European / French Village (Unreal Engine)”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha sobre de assets para o motor de videojogos Roblox, “The complete Roblox online mega bundle + 1001 assets”. Ainda não tive oportunidade de usar e criar qualquer coisas com o motor Roblox, mas parece ser mais um daqueles motores “facilitadores” para o desenvolvimento de videojogos como foi ou ainda é o GameMaker. Este pack é apenas de assets, mas pela descrição aparenta ser uma coleção bastante grande. Do texto de apresentação surge: “We’re thrilled to introduce our newest bundle, packed with an incredible array of resources exclusively for Roblox developers! From beginner to advanced, this bundle includes comprehensive Lua scripting tutorials, level design guides, Blender tutorials, and more. Elevate your game development skills to new heights with the most complete Roblox tutorial out there. With 1001+ assets in projects for Unreal, Unity, Godot, and Roblox, you’ll have everything you need to create stunning, immersive experiences. Perfect for both new developers and seasoned pros, this bundle will expand your skills.”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Master the Art of Lua – Advanced Scripting Techniques in Roblox Studio
Generate Low Poly 3D Models for Game Development with Meshy AI, Blender 4 and Roblox
Complete Roblox Creation – Designing Maps and Modeling Assets with Blender 4.1
Beginners Multiplayer Game Development in Roblox Studio
Advanced Multiplayer Game Development in Roblox Studio
Design Your First Action-Packed FPS Game in Roblox Studio
Advanced Techniques for Building an FPS Game in Roblox Studio
Elevate Your Skills – Intermediate Lua Scripting Masterclass in Roblox Studio
Create an Epic Multiplayer Loot Rush Game in Roblox Studio
Forge Your First Arena Combat Game in Roblox Studio
Mastering Advanced Arena Combat Game Development in Roblox Studio
Adventure Awaits – Build Your First Obby Game in Roblox Studio
Expert Strategies for Building Obby Games in Roblox Studio
Low Poly Models for Roblox, Godot, Unity and Unreal with Sample Projects
Terrain Game Development in Roblox Studio for Everyone
Build a Game in Roblox Studio for Absolute Beginners and All Ages
Gameplay Development in Roblox Studio
Intermediate Game Development in Roblox Studio
User Experience Design in Roblox Studio Game Development
Embark on Quests – Crafting Compelling Challenges in Roblox Studio
Advanced Game Development in Roblox Studio
Character Game Development in Roblox Studio
The Ultimate Game Developer’s Lab in Roblox Studio
Ultimate Sports Game Development in Roblox Studio
Strategic Game Development in Roblox Studio
From Concept to Creation in Roblox Video Game Studio
Build an Escape the Maze Speedrunner Game in Roblox Studio
Money Mechanics in Roblox Game Development
Roblox Studio Essentials – Unlock the Fundamentals
Kickstart Your Journey – Lua Scripting for Beginners in Roblox Studio
Optimize a Meadow Home Low Poly Model for Roblox Studio with Blender 4 Texture Baking
3D Modeling with Generative AI for Roblox with Luma Labs AI and Blender 4.1
Meshy AI Mastery – Crafting 3D Models for Roblox Studio Using Advanced Prompt Engineering
Developing “Officer Bamboo” the Red Panda for Roblox Studio Using Blender 4 with AI-Assisted Design
Wild West Adventures in Roblox – Creating 3D Animal Cowboys with Blender 4 and AI Techniques
Building AI-Generated Low Poly Robots for Roblox Studio in Blender 4
From Blender to Roblox: Creating an AI-Generated Samurai Rabbit
Crafting a Low Poly 3D Fox for Roblox Studio Using Blender 4
Creating Low Poly 3D Red Panda Models in Blender for Roblox Game Development
Spaceship Modeling for Roblox: Low Poly 3D Techniques in Blender 4
Blender to Roblox: 3D Modeling Swords and RPG Items with AI Assistance
Designing Low Poly Cartoon RPG Items for Roblox with Blender 4
Low Poly Knight Modeling for Roblox Studio: Blender 4 Integration with Unreal Engine”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha diferente, para jogos de tabuleiro, mais concretamente para desenhar mapas de jogos de tabuleiro, “Maps Extravaganza“ em que:
“Design maps for your own tabletop campaigns, fantasy settings, and more! This bundle includes everything you need to create stunning, print-worthy works of art that will bring your worlds to life. Get powerful software like Campaign Cartographer 3+ (including a Lifetime License), City Designer 3, Dungeon Designer 3, Tome of Ultimate Mapping, and more. Unlock a treasury that will take your tabletop games”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Campaign Cartographer 3+ Lifetime License
City Designer 3
Dungeon Designer 3
Sources Maps: Castles
Symbol Set 2: Fantasy Floorplans
Source Maps: Temples, Tombs and Catacombs
Tome of Ultimate Mapping
Perspectives 3
Campaign Cartographer 3+ One Year License
Token Treasury: Monsters
Battle Maps Collection
Floorplan Collection”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Humble Software Bundle (campanha)
Uma campanha com vários ficheiros de ambientes gráficos, personagens, para o Unreal e alguns (poucos) para o Unity, “Epic Environments Mega Bunde Unreal engine & Unity Bunde Create your fantasy world“ em que:
“Bring the fantasy world of your dreams to life in your Unity or Unreal Engine game project with this massive bundle of assets! From bustling medieval urbanscapes to ancient temple environments teeming with mystery and majesty, you’ll get tons of modular assets with which to craft play spaces that’ll enchant and transport your players. Also included are a host of characters and props to help make your environments feel convincing and lived-in”.
Da lista faz parte:
“Modular Medieval Environment
Ancient Temple Environment
Mountain Grassland Environment 2×2 km
Medieval Street Pack
Fantasy Giant’s – Modular Male with Randomization
Northern Island Pack 4×4 km
Forest Environment
Lake Houses Pack
Medieval Castle Environment
Medieval Tents & Camping Props Pack
Medieval Village Houses Pack
Medieval Village Megapack with Interiors
Medieval Windmill with interiors
Procedural Oak Forest
Modular Ancient Temple Environment – UNITY
Medieval Village Megapack with Interiors – HDRP – UNITY
Medieval Street Environment – UNITY
Modular Sorcerer – Male Humans – Fantasy Collection
Mercenary – Medieval Female Set
Mercenary – Male Humans – Fantasy Collection
Undead Knight 01 – Draugr Undead Zombie Monster Set
Medieval Village Props Package
Modular Middle Eastern Village Environment
Medieval Village Megapack with Interiors – UNITY
Old Village Houses Pack
Ancient Cave Ruins
Corpse Bandit – Draugr Undead Zombie Monster Set”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha com vários ficheiros de áudio que podem ser usados de forma gratuita, “Epic Royalty-free Musica Collection vol.2“ em que:
“Looking for the perfect soundtrack to accompany your next project? Composer Joel Steudler invites you on a sonic journey with this colossal collection of royalty-free music from his intensive catalog! From entrancing synthwave to bombastic tunes perfect to make an impact in your trailer, this collection is packed with tracks suitable for films, games, or whatever you’re working on!”.
lofi Vapor
Sci-Fi Cyberpunk
Sci-Fi Orchestronica
Guitar Energy
Neoclassical Strings
Piano Moods
Retro Games
Trailer Power Vol 2
Trailer Power Vol 1
Hollywood Action
Devious Dramedy
lofi Chill
World Traveller
Cinematic Drama
Fantasy Atmosphere
Horror Atmosphere
Powerful Percussion
Sci-Fi Atmosphere
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha sobre a documentação de suporte para o desenvolvimento de videojogos, “Royalty-free 001 Game Creator Stem Bundle“ em que:
“Dream of creating a game but don’t know where to start? 001 Game Creator is here to help you bring your ideas to life! This powerful, versatile, and easy to use game engine employs graphically assisted scripting to get your concepts in motion quickly without any prior coding knowledge. Get access to the engine, along with full-featured expansion kits for a variety of game genres that’ll give you a valuable head start on your projects! You’ll also get a wealth of tutorials to teach you the ropes, plus a collection of handy worksheets to help get your designs and concepts in shipshape.”.
e da lista surgem:
001 Basics E-Book + E-Learning Home Assignments
001 Resource E-Book + E-Learning Home Assignments
001 Game Creator – Point & Click Adventure
001 Game Creator – Visual Novel
001 Game Creator – Step Dungeon Maze Kit
001 Game Creator
SoftWeir Game Design Documentation Builder
SoftWeir Project Management Documentation
SoftWeir World Design Worksheet
SoftWeir Map & Dungeon Design Worksheet
SoftWeir User-Interface Design Worksheet
SoftWeir Character & Animation Design Worksheet
SoftWeir Story & Storyboard Design Worksheet
SoftWeir Script & Logic Design Worksheet
SoftWeir Item Design Worksheet
SoftWeir Weapon & Armour Design Worksheet
+infos(oficial): LINK
Humble Software Bundle (campanha)
Uma campanha de assets para jogos low poly, “LowPoly Game Dev Bundle“ em que:
“Nail the evocative retro look of the 32-bit era in your next project with this bundle of low-poly game assets, usable on Unity, Unreal, and other game engines big and small! You’ll get thousands of individual assets across dozens of themed packs, allowing you to create everything from awe-inspiring futuristic space colonies, to post-apocalyptic ruins teeming with hazard—plus, all the props you need to bring them to life! Everything in this bundle is in FBX format, so you’ll be able to integrate it all seamlessly, regardless of your workflow.”.
e da lista surgem:
Low Poly Sci-Fi Pack
Post Apocalyptic Low Poly Pack
POLY – Nature Pack
POLY – Mega Construction Kit
POLY – Mega Survival Kit
Western Low Poly Pack
War Low Poly Pack
POLY – Survival Vehicles Modular
POLY – Survival Subway
POLY – Sci-Fi Sandbox Kit
POLY – Military Shooting Range
POLY – Megapolis City Pack
POLY – Mega Weapons Kit
POLY – Mega Survival Tools
Pirate Low Poly Pack
Low Poly Terrain Pack
Low Poly Modular City Pack
Horror Low Poly Pack
Futuristic Low Poly Pack
Forest Low Poly Pack
Winter Environment Low Poly Pack
Survival Low Poly Pack
POLY – Wild West
POLY – New York City Modular
POLY – Mega Survival Melee Weapons
POLY – Mega Survival Food
POLY – Mega Medical Kit
Low Poly Interior Pack
Food Low Poly Pack
Fantasy Low Poly Pack
Vehicle Low Poly Pack
Sci-Fi Weapons Low Poly Pack
POLY – Lite Survival Forest
POLY – Lite Survival Collection
POLY – Houses
Low Poly Planets Pack
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de assets para jogos do género RPG intitulada “Gamedev Market’s RPG Adventure essentials“ em que:
“Game makers, get ready to supercharge your 2D creations with this massive bundle, overflowing with pixel-perfect assets ready to drop into your next project! You’ll get dozens of versatile tilesets, from somber cyberpunk cityscapes to idyllic medieval villages, allowing you to bring the worlds in your imagination to life. Populate them with a vast array of diverse characters, fearsome monsters, and charming critters, and add the finishing touches with slick icon packs, sound effects, and retro-inspired music.”.
e da lista surgem:
Medieval Fantasy SFX Bundle
2D Customisable Characters For Unity
Ultimate RPG Music Collection
Omega Modern Graphics Pack
Cyberpunk Tileset For RPGS
High School Tileset For RPGS
Modern Interiors Tilesets For RPGs
Modern Tileset For RPGS
2D Icons Total Pack
2D Icons Picto Total Pack
Retro Game SFX Bundle
Sci-Fi Frontiers Tileset For RPGS
Admurin Items Mega Pack A
Monster Mega Pack B
Sci Fi RPG Tiles and Characters Pack
Perspective RPG Top Down 8×8
Demonic Dungeon RPG Top Down 16×16
Farming Character Sprites
Interior 16×16 Tileset
Fortress 16×16 Tileset
Grasslands 4 Seasons 16×16 Tileset
Village & Winter Village 16×16 Tileset
Forest 4 Seasons 16×16 Tileset
Frozen Caves 16×16 Tileset
Dark Castle 16×16 Tileset
Magma Dungeon 16×16 Tileset
Cellar 16×16 Tileset
Mountains & Winter Mountains 16×16 Tileset
Houses & Winter Houses
Abandoned Mines 16×16 Tileset
2D Hand Painted Extra Objects Tileset
2D Pixel RPG Icon Pack
RPG Casual Weapon
Mini Medieval 8×8
2D Hand Painted Interior Tileset
2D Hand Painted Grassland Tileset
2D Hand Painted Town Tileset
Micro Venture RPG Top Down 4×4
Another Perspective RPG Top Down 8×8
Animals RPG Sprites
Demonic Dungeon Frozen Cavern RPG Top Down 16×16
Demonic Dungeon Haunted Temple RPG Top Down 16×16
Mini Medieval Kingdom Interior 8×8
Mini Medieval Arctic 8×8
Mini Medieval Ocean 8×8
Mini Medieval Desert 8×8
Radiant Dungeon 16×16
Animals RPG Sprites 2
Pixel Animations and Effects Pack
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha para a aprender a trabalhar com o Godot com o titulo “Learn to Make Games in Godot 4.0 – GameDev.TV“ em que:
“Been sitting on your game dev ambitions? Jump on this bundle of online courses from GameDev.tv, packed with expert instruction on the skills you need to develop both 2D and 3D games using Godot 4. Learn the fundamentals of game mechanics, animation, scripting, and more with courses dedicated to both 2D and 3D game development. Spread your wings with specialized courses covering topics like C#, multiplayer and mobile game development, and more”.
e da lista surgem:
Complete Godot 2D Course: Develop Your Own 2D Games Using Godot 4
Complete Godot 3D Course: Develop Your Own 3D Games Using Godot 4
Godot 4 C# Action Adventure Course: Build your own 2.5D RPG
Godot 4 Multiplayer Course: Make Your Own Online Game – EARLY ACCESS
3D Dungeon Tileset & Asset Pack
Arcane Accessories 3D Asset Pack
Dungeon Expedition Essentials 3D Asset Pack
Master Mobile Game Development with Godot 4 Course: From Concept to App Stores
Godot Game Controller
Godot 4 Shaders Course: Craft Stunning Visuals
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de assets para ajudar no desenvolvimento de videojogos, com o titulo “Unreal and Unity Assets Giga Bundle – Leartes Studios“ em que:
“Game devs, get ready—this mind-blowing bundle is about to exponentially explode the quantity of creative options at your disposal. Inside you’ll find dozens of asset packs, tools, and more, for Unreal Engine and Unity, ready to plug into your projects and accelerate your process of game creation. You’ll get a vast array of 3D models, textures, and interactive elements to help you craft stunning environments, from post-apocalyptic settings, to vibrant urban landscapes. Also included are fully-rigged characters and creatures, drivable and animated vehicles, sound and visual effect packs, and much, much more”.
e da lista surgem:
Military Base Megapack
Steampunk Victorian Megapack
Industrial Harbour
Dark Medieval Megapack
Ultimate Level Art Tool
CyberPunk Laboratory
Roman Temple Ruins
Havana Street Environment
Old Workers Village
Baroque Cathedral Environment
Fighting Stage Environment
Abandoned Chemisty Classroom
CyberPunk / Sci – Fi Apartment Interior
Stylized Christmas Town
Island Castle Environment
Stylized Countryside House
Stylized Cyberpunk Arcade
Stylized Wizard Room
Warzone VFX Pack (Unreal Engine)
Post Apo Diner SFX
SFX Soulslike
Driveable / Animated Construction Truck 02
Driveable / Animated Construction Truck
Driveable / Animated Excavator ( Material Variations )
City Scooter – Rigged/BP Controllable w/Skins
Military Helicopter – Rigged/BP Controllable w/skins
Cyberpunk Holograms / Neon Set ( Set of 33 Holograms )
Military Exterior Pack
Cyberpunk Assault Rifles
SUV 01 Driveable / Animated / Realistic
Classic Limousine / Driveable / Functional
Playground Equipment VOL.2
Playground Equipment VOL.1
Western Town Environment
Bowling Alley
English Cottage Interior
Wetland Sanctuary Environment
Office Corridor Environment
French Quarter Street
Motorbike Shop Environment
Stylized Desert Town
VFX Explosion (Unreal Engine)
SFX Retro Police Station
FPS 4K Custom Modern Handguns – VOL.1
(5) FPS 4K Custom Modern Shotguns – VOL.1
Post Apocalyptic Melee Weapons VOL.4
Driveable / Animated Excavator / Dozer ( Material Variations )
Police Character / NPC
1950s Businessman / Mafia Character / NPC / Rigged
Material Assignment Tool
Cyberpunk Street Lights
Classic Tram / Functional
Driveable / Animated Retro Cyberpunk Hover Car 02
Modeling Tutorial
Stable Environment
Stylized Cavern Mahal Environment
Water VFX (Unreal Engine)
SFX Warzone
Object Distribution Tool
Unreal Engine 5 Level Tutorial 1 (Time lapse tutorial)
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de assets e ferramentas para ajudar no desenvolvimento de videojogos no Unreal, com o titulo “Unreal Engine Spring Essentials – Utility Bundle“ em que:
“Game devs, are you ready to take your Unreal Engine project to the next level? This extensive collection offers a diverse array of assets and tools touching virtually every facet of game creation. You’ll get a dizzying array of ready-to-use Unreal Engine assets, redeemable on the Unreal Marketplace. With new and existing releases from Yarrawah Interactive, Dekogon, Freshcan3D, Mocap Online, Meshingun, Iraisynn Attinom, Night Times, BVG, SERLO, Jumpzoid and Maksim3D!”.
e da lista surgem:
Realtime Designer: Lighting Kit
Ultra Volumetrics
Survival NPC – Sarah “Sal” Jacobs
Critters VOL.2 – Crows & Seagulls (Nanite and Low Poly w/Particle)
FPS Automatic Rifle 01 Animations
Intelligent Traffic System
Buildings VOL.8 – Commercial Doors (Nanite & Low Poly)
Leclerc AMX56 – Advanced Tank Blueprint
Barnyard Megapack (Barn, Barn Props, Farm Environment)
Stylized Domes Shader
Foliage VOL.6 – Broom Bushes (Nanite and Low Poly)
Foliage VOL.11 – Bushes (Nanite and Low Poly)
Foliage VOL.8 – Dead Trees (Nanite and Low Poly)
Procedural Oak Forest (Winter Forest, Spring Forest, Autumn Forest)
Mobility Basic – MoCap Pack
Boxing – MoCap Pack
Rifle Basic – MoCap Pack
Pistol Starter – MoCap Pack
Foliage Pack
Echoes of Adventure: Set 2
Audio Odyssey: Vol. 2
Ambient Systems – Loop Set: Vol. 2
Ambient Systems – Loop Set: Vol. 3
FPS Pistol And Knife Animations
Stylised Barrier Shader
Foliage VOL.10 – Yard Plants (Nanite and Low Poly)
Foliage VOL.7 – Ash Trees (Nanite and Low Poly)
Russian T-55A Battle Tank – Advanced Tank Blueprint
Two Pack – Blacksmith & Knight – Male Humans – Fantasy Collection
Book Generator
56 Animations For Creatures
Blutility Production Tools – Material Functions
Termite Mounds – Vol 1
Modular Suburban Metal Fence
First Person Base Arms Vol. 1 – Skinny Male
Dry Animal Bones – Photoscan Vol 2.
Animal Dung/Feces – Horse and Cow – Photoscan Vol 3.
Flag Generator
Cardboard Props Vol1
Echoes of Adventure: Vol 1
Audio Odyssey: Vol. 1
Ambient Systems – Loop Set: Vol. 1
FPS Automatic Gun Animations
Weapon And Shield Animations
Hologram Shader
Developer Tools
Fences VOL.2 – Farm and Town Modular (Nanite and Low Poly)
Foliage VOL.9 – Coyote Bushes (Nanite and Low Poly)
Buildings VOL.5 – Doors (Nanite and Low Poly)
Toolset Collection – Vol 1.
Desert Embankments – Photoscan Vol 4.
Warrior – Viking Male Set
+infos(oficial): LINK
Humble Software Bundle (campanha)
Uma campanha de assets para ajudar no desenvolvimento de videojogos, com o titulo “The best of Synty #2 Remix – Game Dev Assets“ em que:
“Bring your game to life with this massive bundle of distinctive, stylized low-poly 3D assets from Synty! You’ll get assets usable in Unity and Unreal to fit a wide spectrum of settings—everything from Ancient Rome and various flavors of the modern day, to far-future sci-fi! Included are dozens upon dozens of characters, buildings, interior and environmental props, special effects, and more. Craft grand Greek-inspired temples, neon-drenched urban nightclubs, and sleek, deadly starships, and people them memorable characters appropriate to their settings.
e da lista surgem:
POLYGON – Ancient Empire
POLYGON – Sci-Fi Space Pack
POLYGON – Farm Pack
POLYGON – Office Pack
POLYGON – City Zombies Pack
POLYGON – Town Pack
POLYGON MINI – Fantasy Characters Pack
POLYGON – City Characters Pack
POLYGON – Fantasy Characters Pack
POLYGON – Icons Pack
POLYGON – Nightclubs
POLYGON MINI – City Characters Pack
Sizzler – First time on Humble
POLYGON – Fantasy Rivals Pack
POLYGON MINI – Fantasy Pack
POLYGON – Prototype Pack
POLYGON – Explorer Kit
POLYGON – Snow Kit
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de assets para ajudar no desenvolvimento de videojogos com o Unreal, com o titulo “The Unreal Environment Mega Bundle“ em que:
“Unreal developers, this bundle will give you everything you need to craft game environments that’ll enthrall and immerse your players! Included are 15 packs of full models, meshes, visual effects, and more, modular and ready to drop into your Unreal Engine project. You’ll get assets suitable for all kinds of genres, enabling you to create stunning fantasy worlds, blighted post apocalyptic settings, lush natural environments, and much more.
e da lista surgem:
Modular Medieval Village
Stylized Nature
Modular Destroyed Buildings
Post Apocalyptic Town
Modular Dungeon – Dungeon Building Kit
Abandoned Factory
Dragon Temple
Modular Medieval town
Modular Desert Town
Modular Medieval Houses
Modular Wooden Buildings
Monster Sounds
Rain & Wind Sounds (Loopable)
Game Music Essentials (Loopable)
Horror Ambient Loops (Loopable)
Medieval Weapons Bundle
Stylized Medieval Village
Modular Medieval Buildings
Modular Castle Kit
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de assets para ajudar no desenvolvimento de videojogos “GameMasters Toolkit Assets & Tutorials Bundle“ em que:
“Get the skills and building blocks you need to create stunning game assets with this bundle from Leartes Studios. You’ll get a host of asset packs ready to plug into your Unity and Unreal projects, ranging from interior and exterior environments, to props and icons and more. Also included are a selection of tutorials produced by Leartes and their partners, created to skill you up on essential tools and techniques like Lumen, Unreal’s global illumination and reflections system.
e da lista surgem:
Sensei Lumen Tutorial
Abandoned Industrial Environment
Sensei Ligtmass Tutorial
Historical Museum
Modern City Environment Megapack
Engine Unreal Sensei 03 Path Tracing
How to Make Awesome Cinematics
Make AAA Game Vehicles
Environment Design
Blueprints Game Developer Masterclass
3D Game Development With GoDot Game Engine
Game Design & Development : 20+ 2D & 3D Projects
Android Game Development : Build 10 2D & 3D Games
Cyberpunk Handguns
Cyberpunk Shotguns
Sedan Car Vehicles Set Driveable / Animated / Realistic (Set of 4)
SFX Post Apo Diner
VFX Water Visual Effects
Medieval Tavern
Modern Office Environment
Coffee Shop Environment
Abandoned Hut in Tropical Island
Stylized Indian City ( Stylized , City , Stylised )
Stylized Wizard Room
Ultimate Level Art Tool
Modular Stylized Christmas Market
Stylized Paris Street
Bowling Alley
Stylized Cyberpunk Arcade Environment
75% Discount Code Cosmos by Leartes
Sensei Lighting fundemantals
Create Zombie Survivor FPS Game
Maya & Unity 3D – Modeling Lowpoly Tree for Mobile Games
Create Advanced Water Shader
Mastering GoDot Game Engine
Create Your First RPG And FPS Multiplayer Game In Unity
Game Development: Create 2D And 3D Games With C#
Modeling Tutorial 1 (Maya + ZBrush + Substance Painter Game Ready Prop Tutorial )
Home Interior Pack
FPS 4K Western Guns – VOL.1
Sci-Fi / Futuristic Corridor
Victorian Decayed Alley Environment
Material Assignment Tool (Tool)
Florence Cathedral Pack ( Cathedral Environment / Cathedral Props )
500+ Fantasy Icons (Unity)
Master Unity By Building 6 Fully Featured Games From Scratch
Create Auto Landscape Material
Level Tutorial 1 (Time lapse tutorial)
Fantasy Interior Environment
Object Distribution Tool
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de livros para ajudar no desenvolvimento de videojogos para usar em diferentes game engines e outros softwares “Game Dev Toolbox Master Unity, Unreal Engine, Blender and More“ em que:
“Looking to become a game developer? This bundle of video courses will serve as your foundation. Learn to create stunning in-game assets with Blender, ranging from stylized character models to detailed environments—and acquire the skills required to bring those creations to life in Unreal Engine. Master programming in C#, the versatile programming language that will help you work in Unity, create apps and games for Android, and much more.
e da lista surgem:
Unity C# Scripting – Complete C# for Unity Game Development
The Complete Android Oreo Developer Course – Build 23 Apps
Unity Android – Build Eight Mobile Games with Unity and C#
Unity Game Projects – 20+ Mini Projects in Unity and C#
C# and Unity by Example – 20+ Mini Game Development Projects
Unreal Engine 5 – Endless Runner
Unreal Engine – Ultimate Survival Horror Course
Unreal Engine 5 – Sci-Fi Environment Design
Google Apps Script Complete Course – Beginner to Advanced
Unreal Engine 5 – Environment Design
Unreal Engine 5 – Make AAA Game Vehicles
Blender to Unreal Engine 5 – 3D Props – Medieval Windmill
Substance Painter to Unreal Engine 5 Masterclass
Unity Android: Build 3D Endless Runner Hyper Casual Game
Creating Stunning Environments in Unreal Engine 5 – A Game Artist Bootcamp
Building Medieval Worlds – Unreal Engine 5 Modular Kitbash
Mastering the Art of Isometric Room Design in Blender 3
Master ARCore 1.3 Unity SDK – Build 6 Augmented Reality Apps
Unity Android Game Development – Build Seven 2D and 3D Games
Blender 4 Creator Course Stylized 3D Models
The Blender 4 Ultimate Guide
Blender Lighting & Compositing for Beginners
Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 – Dungeon Modular Kitbash
Blender to Unreal Engine – Become a Dungeon Prop Artist
Blender 4 Geometry Nodes for Beginners
Blender to Unreal Engine 5 The Complete Beginners Guide
Blender Beginner’s Bootcamp
Unreal Engine 5 Beginner’s Guide to Building a 3D Environment
Blender to Unreal Engine – 3D Plants and Vegetation
+infos(oficial): LINK
Uma campanha de assets para o desenvolvimento de videojogos para usar com o Unity “Prototype to Publish in Unity“ em que:
“Get your game idea out of your head and into the world with this Unity bundle, full of assets and tools to help you hit the ground running with prototyping! Whether you’re looking for 3D models, tools to create your own sprites, or packages full of readymade effects, you’ll be covered. You’ll also get access to a host of toolkits to help you painlessly implement critical game features, everything from quest and inventory systems, to grid and hex-based maps.
e da lista surgem:
EXPLORER – Stone Age
Runtime Asset Database
Sounds Good – Easy & Optimized Audio Manager
Lumen: Stylized Light FX
AR VR Mixed Reality
Character Auras
Low Poly Cats
Grid Controller
ProtoSprite: Pixel Art Painter
3D Wizard
Hexasphere Grid System
Pure Nature 2 : Mountains
Liquid Volume 2
InventoryPlus: Customizable Inventory System
Components for HORROR FPS KIT
Flock Box DOTS
Pixel Art Platformer – Dungeon
M Farm RPG Assets Pack
Quests system for Unity
POLYGON Vikings – Low Poly 3D Art by Synty
+infos(oficial): LINK
Livros acerca de videojogos
Não conhecia, mas encontrei este portal que permite comprar livros acerca de videojogos :) Podemos até nem comprar mas é um excelente local para fazer pesquisas!
+infos(oficial): https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/
Recursos como textos e livros
Encontrei uma editora em Berlim que tem algumas coisas relacionadas com videojogos, várias investigações, sobre diferentes perspetivas, ..e interessantes, algumas delas são:
Game Production Studies, por Olli Sotamaa, Jan Svelch
Experimental Games Critique, Play, and Design in the Age of Gamification, por Patrick Jagoda
A Precarious Game The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry, por Ergin Bulut
Gaming as Art Perspectives on the Relationship between Art and Digital Gaming, por Frank G. Bosman
Time and Space in Video Games A Cognitive-Formalist Approach, por Federico Alvarez Igarzábal
(Not) In the Game History, Paratexts, and Games Regina Seiwald, por Ed Vollans
How to Play Video Games Matthew Thomas Payne, por Nina B. Huntemann
Games and Rules Game Mechanics for the »Magic Circle«, por Beat Suter, Mela Kocher, René Bauer, Kollektion-Knowledge Unlatched Auswahl
+infos(oficial): LINK
VGPT, Arquivo online de videojogos portugueses
Um site interessante, que ainda está a crescer, mas que funciona como uma espécie de museu/catálogo virtual acerca dos videojogos que foram desenvolvidos em Portugal ao longos dos tempos.. a acompanhar.
+infos(oficial): https://videogamept.wordpress.com/
Humble Best of Polygon Game Dev Bundle (uma campanha)
Do pack faz parte:
POLYGON Prototype – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON Adventure – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
Simple Town – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON City – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON Samurai – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON Knights – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
Simple People – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
Simple Dungeon – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON Sci-Fi City – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON Western – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON Heist – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
POLYGON Vikings – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
Simple Military – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
Simple Apocalypse – Compatible with Unity + Unreal
+infos(campanha): LINK
histórias sobre os videojogos, pela Ars Technica
Para quem gosta de jogos, e no meu caso um bom RTS, tem aqui um conjunto de histórias acerca das várias opções que foram sendo tomadas :)
recomendo para já:
S1-E3, How Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Solved Pathfinding – LINK
S1-E6, How Sid Meier Almost Made Civilization a Real-Time Strategy Game – LINK
+infos(oficial): LINK
The most influential games of the decade
The most influential games of the decade, por Gene Park , Elise Favis e Mikhail Klimentov
“From the introduction of groundbreaking in-game elements to refining how games make money, these are the titles that made the biggest impact on both players and the industry since 2010.
Gaming is now humanity’s favorite form of entertainment, and the medium’s legacy was cemented this past decade. While the early 2000s saw video games honing their ability to tell stories and build worlds in 3-D, this last decade built off those nuts and bolts of game making and propelled the medium toward bigger ambitions like open-world design, virtual and augmented reality and an influx of new genres such as battle-royale multiplayer.
Video games have experienced a rapidly changing landscape in technology, business models (i.e. microtransactions and the sale of seasonal battle passes), and its market which now includes more female gamers and an older average audience. We’ve seen an increase in diversity in games themselves, too, from the varied races and backgrounds for characters in Overwatch to blockbusters like Horizon: Zero Dawn, which features a headstrong female lead.
This past decade achieved several milestones with its wide array of games. Some, like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, are titles that we believe will have a lasting impact on the gaming world for years to come. While these were taken into consideration for this article, we haven’t seen their influence fully resonate just yet, as open-world games take years to polish before they’re shipped and the next generation is still on its way.
So, which games have made the biggest mark on the industry from 2010 through 2019? After much deliberation, here is a list of titles we believe aren’t just quality games, but ones that have shaped the medium and continue to do so in extraordinary ways.
2010 Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Video games are often known for being power fantasies. Even the game that popularized survivor horror, Resident Evil, gave you a rocket launcher and an exploding mansion as its coda. Indie studio Frictional Games dared to make you powerless, with just a lantern in hand to light the way.
It gave you no methods of attack. Hiding in the dark would make you lose your sanity. And don’t even think about glancing at the creatures that stalk you. Amnesia was an unrelenting assault of nightmares. You stand in a flooded basement and see ripples in the water, realizing you’re stuck in there with an invisible horror. All this was a breath of fresh air for a genre whose default dynamic was to slash/shoot/explode your way through terror.
Early this century, publishers were wary of funding survival horror games, and the best franchises were either abandoning the genre (like Resident Evil) or were left abandoned on the roadside (like Silent Hill). Amnesia inspired the phenomenon of horror with a first-person camera perspective, including Alien: Isolation, Outlast and the ill-fated P.T., the “playable teaser” for the infamously canceled Silent Hills directed by Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro.
We are living in Hideo Kojima’s dystopian nightmare. Can he save us?
Amnesia also helped launch the careers of the Internet’s most influential personalities today, most notably PewDiePie. With 102 million subscribers, Felix Kjellberg initially gained viral attention by freaking out over the game, especially the water scene described above. These videos also boosted interest in the game, and publishers noticed. And gamers realized that playing and reacting to horror games was a great way to get views on YouTube. A new celebrity class was born, and the Internet hasn’t been the same since.
2010 Minecraft
What genre is Minecraft? If you call it a survival game, you neglect the sizable portion of its player base which spends its time futzing about in the creative mode, or building elaborate trick doors with redstone. The compromise pick would be to call it a sandbox, but that just takes us back to square one. A sandbox is a blank canvas.
Minecraft represents, in the history of gaming, the ultimate blank canvas. It is The Everything Game by merit of the perfect simplicity of its base formula: building with blocks.
We shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that The Everything Game just appeared, one day, fully formed. One of Minecraft’s most enduring legacies is the early access model. In the immediate wake of Minecraft’s success, gamers enjoyed an early access boomlet, where players got unprecedented say over future development. It’s not hard to draw the line from indie games in early access to the AAA rebranding of the term “games as a service,” discussed a little later in this article with a look at Destiny, this trend’s most apparent beneficiary.
Few games better encapsulate the 2010s than the ever-popular Minecraft. Analogues and echoes of the decade’s most pressing questions can be found somewhere in its story. The game provided an ideal medium for content creators, who would toil and shape and star in productions that elevated them to stardom and turned YouTube into a juggernaut. Minecraft Let’s Plays picked up the torch after Halo 3 machinima died down, arguably spawning streaming culture. Before Fortnite finally pushed its top creators into the pantheon of celebrity, Minecraft laid the foundation.
We see too the darker trends around social media and celebrity. Minecraft’s most famous creator, Markus Persson, better known as Notch, became the prototypical too-rich, too-disconnected-and-too-online guy, emblematic of a decade dominated by Kanye West and Elon Musk.
Other games will come for Minecraft’s crown. Fortnite has made its bid — but absent a base mode with Minecraft’s flexibility, it has leaned wholly into entertainment and brand collaborations. Minecraft is singular. In the context of the 2010′s, it was a forerunner, the canvas on which, in retrospect, some of the biggest challenges and changes of the decade see their clearest expression.
2011 Dark Souls
Eventually, every video game is compared to Dark Souls. Comparing anything to Dark Souls was a pervasive meme, but in every meme lies some truth. Yes, Dark Souls provided the template for the “Souls-like” genre, games that harshly punish you and set you back for failure. But ideas about player progress, online interactions and environmental storytelling eventually made its way to the rest of the industry.
With no direct contact with each other, players could leave messages, warnings and other thoughts to lift others going through the same, harrowing experience, planting the seed for Hideo Kojima’s grand vision for player interaction in this year’s Death Stranding. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the best Star Wars game in the last decade, wasn’t shy about its Souls inspiration. And with its exhausting difficulty, From Software challenged and asked us to redefine the very concepts of “fun” and “reward.” It forced us to earn every inch of progress by learning from our mistakes.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a good game. So why am I so unhappy playing it?
The game’s story seemed impenetrable at first, but years of analysis has revealed a game layered in mythology and meaning. Every item and enemy is placed with intent. Every room and staircase has purpose. And From Software left out just enough details to spur our imagination, inspiring hundreds of Internet bards to tell tales of their own adventures and the meaning they derived from the game. For some, it was an allegory about the will to survive during depression. For others, it was a nihilistic nightmare railing against the aging belief systems of humanity.
But ask anyone who beat it, and they likely won’t talk about the graphics or the sound or the controls. Dark Souls is the decade’s greatest reminder that video games are more than just stories being told: they are personal, lived experiences.
2011 Skyrim
The fifth Elder Scrolls game from Bethesda Studios became the benchmark for role-playing adventures games in the last decade. While it was really just an evolution of the previous four games, fantasy games went mainstream in a way they never had before Skyrim. Skyrim is, for many, the American role playing game’s Final Fantasy 7. And it was the mother of a thousand memes.
Todd Howard, creative director of Skyrim, said the team hoped Skyrim would enter the pantheon of timeless fantasy worlds.
“The game reflects back on the player as much as possible, ‘who would you be, what would you do in that world?’” Howard said to The Post. “That’s the thing games do better than other entertainment.”
And the game was everywhere, with Howard appearing at news conferences for every known tech company to announce a new version of Skyrim.
But Skyrim caused an explosion in the community modding scene. As Bethesda finally moved on to other games, Skyrim’s players kept the game alive by turning dragons into Thomas the Tank Engine or Macho Man Randy Savage. No other offline game was so online.
If Skyrim seems like the game that just won’t die, it’s because its players refuse to let it die.
“It’s incredible to see so many [people] still playing, even after eight years,” Howard said. “We still marvel at what people are able to do with the game. Maybe that’s why it’s endured for so long.”
2012 Candy Crush Saga
Candy Crush Saga’s humble beginning as a Facebook game makes sense, considering no other title on this list has been as disruptive to the business of selling video games. Candy Crush Saga popularized the “freemium” model within the mobile gaming market: Give the core gameplay away free, but charge for peripheral virtual items that either enhance, quicken or beautify the player’s experience. It married online shopping and gaming to the point where the two were indistinguishable. Mobile gaming eventually created “pay to win” games, referring to video games insidiously designed to slow your progression, encouraging you to pay to win. It is one of the industry’s most despised — and most profitable — practices.
Although a single-digit percentage of players were making these purchases, half a billion people had the game just one year after it released. By 2017, it was downloaded by a third of the human race, at 2.7 billion. Thanks to this small percentage of billions, developer King raked in millions a month.
Activision Blizzard’s purchase of Candy Crush Saga’s Swedish developer in 2015, for $5.9 billion, immediately made it the biggest game publisher in the world. And soon the wildly successful freemium model started to creep into the PC and console space, shaping some of the other games on this list.
It helps that the game is colorful, fun and constantly engaging. Dark Souls and Candy Crush represent the two extreme ends of the gamer populace: casual and hardcore gamers. And regardless of whether they’re aware of it, Candy Crush Saga turned millions of unsuspecting people into gamers.
2012 The Walking Dead: Season One
Reviving adventure games is no small feat, but Telltale’s The Walking Dead was one of the major players that helped reinvigorate the genre. The game told the story of young Clementine and her friendship with Lee, a man whose story began in handcuffs until a zombie apocalypse broke out. The two venture out on a heart-wrenching journey together as they attempt to survive a crippling world’s harsh realities.
Before its release, “adventure games are dead” was a common sentiment in the games industry. The genre had its golden era in the 1980s and early ‘90s, but it then quickly dwindled in popularity. Sales of subsequent adventure games often fell flat, including LucasArts’s Grim Fandango, despite its cult following. Telltale’s The Walking Dead, against all odds, changed everything: It spurred similar games like Life is Strange, Firewatch and Oxenfree — some of which were made by former Telltale developers themselves.
Dontnod Entertainment, the creators of Life is Strange, believes that without The Walking Dead its own choice-driven adventure game may have never existed.
“When we worked on the first Life is Strange, games like The Walking Dead and Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain were influences for us,” co-director Raoul Barbet said in a phone interview with The Washington Post. “It especially showed us that there was a will from the player to have some games based on choice and storytelling. So I definitely think that without those games, we might not have ended up creating Life is Strange.”
The Walking Dead was a big hit financially, too, popularizing the release of updates in episodic form for far less money than the typical price tag of $60 for a full game. Within its first 20 days of release, the first episode (five were released in total) sold one million copies. In early 2013, Telltale had earned approximately $40 million in revenue solely from the debut season.
The Walking Dead showed the games industry that there was a hunger for deeper, stronger, and choice-driven storytelling, and it became one of Telltale’s crown jewels — one it tried to replicate time and time again, until the studio closed down in late 2018. The studio isn’t completely gone, however: A new iteration of Telltale is now working with independent studio AdHoc (made up of ex-Telltale designers) to produce the once-cancelled The Wolf Among Us 2.
2014 Destiny
Recent years have introduced the concept of video games as a service or “live service games.” Destiny crystallized that model, despite its early missteps.
When released, reviews of Destiny were harsh. Activities were boring, the loot was inadequate, the story was nonsense. Destiny’s disastrous launch was an omen that these persistent “games as a service” titles will be really hard to not only make, but maintain. Destiny’s early missteps were repeated not only by its competitors, but even by Bungie itself for Destiny 2.
But Bungie would right the ship, which also demonstrated the beauty of the “games as a service” model. The developers responded to community feedback and ultimately chiseled the game into something closer to its original vision of a “shared world shooter.” Seasons changed its evolving and expanding story, and Bungie introduced challenges to give anyone a reason to log in every day.
“I vividly remember first hearing about Destiny as a Bungie employee,” said Luke Smith, game director for Destiny 2. “[Co-founder] Jason Jones said the next game was going to be a hobby, like golf. The hobby construction of a game immediately resonated with me. Community and a return to aspects like what we saw in World of Warcraft in a shooter? That was all I needed to hear to get in.”
Destiny 2 is now free, and remains one of the healthiest, vibrant communities, as it won The Game Award in 2019 for best community support. The story of gaming’s decade is incomplete without Destiny turning its high-profile failure into an ever-moving goal post for anyone else who would dare to mimic Bungie’s aspirations.
2015 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The world of The Witcher 3 is so large it can be almost daunting, but this magnitude set a new standard for open-world design. Its sprawling narrative seamlessly fits inside the world, both through emergent storytelling and scripted moments, as you travel from one village to the next. During development, creator CD Projekt Red looked to Skyrim, which released just a few years beforehand, as inspiration. But they didn’t want to just copy what Skyrim got right.
“We drew inspiration from a whole range of titles, and Skyrim was definitely among them; it was the benchmark for open-world games back then,” The Witcher 3 writer Jakub Szamałek told The Post. “At the same time, while there’s a lot to learn from the folks from Bethesda, we knew we didn’t want to simply copy their game. Most importantly, we put a much greater emphasis on the narrative aspect of the game.”
The Witcher 3 tells the story of Geralt, a powerful monster-killing sorcerer who makes his way through a medieval-inspired land to find a young woman named Ciri. Depending on your choices — and some can be heart wrenching — the world adapts around you. It also features side quests that are as meaningful as the main line quest, bringing depth to every corner of the game’s immense world. Most of all, The Witcher 3 set the high bar for storytelling in subsequent open-world games like last year’s Red Dead Redemption 2, dispelling the notion that open worlds and quality storytelling couldn’t coexist.
“I guess before The Witcher 3, it was commonly assumed that ambitious narratives and open world games don’t mix well: you can have one, but not the other,” Szamałek said. “I think we demonstrated that while it is difficult, as well as time- and resource-consuming, it’s within the realm of possibility. Over the past few years we’ve seen more games that combine sprawling open worlds with well-crafted stories, and if in some small part it is due to the success of The Witcher 3, well, I couldn’t be more pleased, both as a game developer and a gamer.”
2016 Pokémon Go
When discussing the influence of Pokémon Go, it’s best to address the question of augmented reality (AR) upfront, so here goes: Pokémon Go is the clearest evidence of AR’s irrelevance.
When the game came out, the hype was tremendous. With its massive success (over 540 million downloads to date), Pokémon Go was the game that launched a thousand decks, prompting questions from every tech, media and software company as to how AR could factor into its work. And then the hype died down. It is funny, in retrospect, that AR’s killer app is such a capitulation. The game allows you to turn off its AR capabilities, and frankly, is all the better for it. Nobody wants to be the overeager jerk on the subway platform, sweatily pivoting back and forth trying to find the Pidove hiding among the commuters.
Worse yet, Pokémon Go is an obvious and not particularly artful exploitation of a beloved childhood property. We’ll see more and more of this over time (Exhibit A: Niantic’s Harry Potter game). And so its true influence isn’t really anything in the game — neither technology nor license. It’s in what the game demands of you: Pokémon Go is a game that’s meant to be played in between doing other things. You’re at a Starbucks, so might as well check into the Poke Stop. Think you’ve walked enough to hatch your eggs? Better check back in. It’s gaming in the micro-moments of your day.
But now, the twist: So many people, and people you would not expect, still keep up with Pokémon Go. Plenty of folks have found routine and comfort in the game. There’s something concerning, but also weirdly resilient, about finding nourishment in gruel so thin.
Pokémon is everywhere now. Long live Pokémon.
Pokémon Go is the “I’m always listening to podcasts or music because I don’t want to be alone with my own thoughts” of games. It’s unlikely that we’ll see many one-to-one Pokémon Go clones in the future. Instead, we’ll be besieged by games that try to cram themselves into the quiet moments and spaces of everyday life.
2017 Fortnite
No, Fortnite is not on here because it popularized the battle royale genre. Fortnite’s best-known mode is itself a result of the popularization of the genre, thanks to PlayerUnknown’s Battleground. But once Epic Games successfully aped the formula, Fortnite found new ways to keep players engaged. The game was free, but the battle pass system kept players subscribing every few months to log on and garner new rewards. Thanks to several controversies that coincided with the rollout of the game’s battle pass, the loot box practice of offering surprise rewards for real money became a pariah of the industry.
Fortnite offered 100 tiers of rewards for only $10 every few months in a “season,” and players got to see everything they would win along the way. The transparency and low commitment cost kept players coming back and — combined with direct payments for skins and other cosmetics offered outside of the battle pass — suddenly the industry found a winning formula. Soon, everyone from Call of Duty to Halo to Overwatch had a similar battle pass system.
Then there was the spectacle of the game. Every season would end with a global event witnessed by millions over streaming platforms like Twitch, elevating personalities like Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, Turner “Tfue” Tenney, Soleil “Ewok” Wheeler and many others alongside the game. Both the streamers and Fortnite smashed through screens and into the mainstream — and ultimately helped people like Blevins and Wheeler ink exclusive streaming contracts worth millions.
Over the last three years, Fortnite was everywhere. At one point, it boasted more than 200 million players a month, and became the biggest pop phenomenon of 2018. World Cup goals were celebrated with Fortnite dances. Former first lady Michelle Obama even did a dance. Major sports leagues worried about players not sleeping or training because of the game. It held an in-game concert, and then, this December, an in-game screening of a scene for the new Star Wars movie — the latest pop-culture crossover event for a game that’s also featured Netflix series “Stranger Things” and Marvel’s Avengers movies.
Epic Games declined to discuss Fortnite’s legacy, citing — as its team often does — that it prefers to let the game speak for itself. At the end of the decade, Fortnite is still speaking in volumes.
+infos(origem do texto): LINK
+infos(washington post): https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/
Humble Unreal Engine Game Development Bundle (uma campanha)
Do pack faz parte:
Unreal Cinematics Training Course
Star Sparrow Modular Spaceship
Another Stylized Material Collection 8
Math For Games Training Course
Unreal C++ v4.1X Training Course
Master Control Material
Rusty Barrels Volume 2
Another Easy Terrain Material
Unreal Multiplayer Training Course
Unreal C++ 4.22 Training Course
Unreal Blueprint Training Course
Unreal VR Training Course
Steampunk / Victorian Environment with vehicles
Gamemaster Audio – ProSound Mini Pack
Slum Village Environment
+infos(campanha): LINK
Humble learn and play vr-ar game dev bundle (uma campanha)
da lista deste novo bundle aparece:
Intro to Augmented Reality
Intro to Game Development with Unity
Create Your First 3D Game with Unity
VR Game Development for Beginners
VR Development with Controllers
Insect Revolution V
AR Projects – Job Training App
AR Projects – Geology App
VR Pointers – Space Station App
VR Projects – Night with Mosquitos Game
VR Projects – Space Invaders
Intro to ARKit
Intro to ARCore
AR Projects – Science App for Kids
Panzer Panic VR
Keep Defending
Project-Based Oculus Avatars and Platform SDK
VR Projects – 360 Photos Experience
VR Projects – 360 Video Quiz App
VR Projects – Puzzle Game
VR Projects – Fitness Game
VR Projects – Cabin Experience
VR Projects – Third-Person Platformer Game
VR Projects – Underwater Shark Experience
VR Projects – First-Person Shooter
VR Projects – Build an RPG
AR Game Development – Space Shooter
VR Projects – Exploration Game
Stunt Kite Masters VR
Devil and the Fairy
+infos(campanha): LINK
Estatística or else..
(com a referência “SuperData XR Q3 2019” por parte da malta da superdataresearch.com)
2019 earnings from consumer sales of VR headsets are set to grow 16% over 2018. However, enterprise headset revenue is on track to jump by 69% during the same period. Businesses have been sold on the potential of VR. Enterprise customers are rapidly adopting VR for purposes like employee training and automotive design.
Consumer VR software revenue is on track to earn over $1B for the first time in 2019. Location-based entertainment revenue is set to earn roughly half the total as attractions like Avengers: Damage Control from The Void bring theme-park quality experiences to consumers in a range of venues like malls.
The Valve index sold 46K units in its first quarter on the market. While this was a smaller figure than the quarterly launch numbers of other major VR headsets, Valve’s device is designed to reach the most dedicated enthusiasts given its price of up to $1000.
Oculus Quest sold 180K units during the quarter, nearly double the combined sales figures for the Oculus Rift S and Oculus Go. It’s clear Facebook’s VR efforts in the near-term will be focused on its high-end standalone device. Lifetime sales for the device reached nearly 400,000 units through the end of Q3.
The Quest is poised for a strong holiday season as one of the most “giftable” VR headsets around. The device has the advantage of simplicity since it doesn’t need to be plugged into a powerful PC. Both the Oculus Go (which is a standalone device like the Quest) and the PlayStation VR (which features a recognizable gaming brand) saw big jumps in quarterly sales volume during their first full holiday season on the market.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite isn’t casting a spell on wallets. Pokémon GO from Niantic had its second-best month ever in terms of revenue in August 2019. Meanwhile, the company’s new title Harry Potter: Wizards Unite had a strong launch in terms of player numbers, but it only earned 1% of the revenue Pokémon GO did from June to August.
+infos(fonte): https://www.superdataresearch.com/superdata-xr-update/
Humble book bundle: developing your own games by springer (uma campanha)
da lista deste bundle aparecem os seguintes livros:
Java Game Development with LibGDX
Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS
Learn Unity for Android Game Development
Practical Video Game Bots
Developing Games on the Raspberry Pi
Developing Turn-Based Multiplayer Games
Python, PyGame, and Raspberry Pi Game Development
Mostly Codeless Game Development
Learn Unity for Windows 10 Game Development
The Advanced Game Developer’s Toolkit
Pro Java 9 Games Development
Building Games with Ethereum Smart Contracts
Essential TypeScript
Practical GameMaker: Studio
Physically Based Shader Development for Unity 2017
Developing 2D Games with Unity
Program Arcade Games: With Python and Pygame
Beginning Android Games
Let’s Build a Multiplayer Phaser Game
Beginning iOS AR Game Development
Game Development with Construct 2
Understanding Game Application Development
Pro HTML5 Games
Introducing JavaScript Game Development
GameMaker: Studio 100 Programming Challenges
+infos(oficial): LINK
Estatística or else..
What other games are strategy fans playing?
“Stellaris and Total War: Three Kingdoms are some of the most popular strategy titles on PC. However, a SuperData analysis shows that while the titles share a genre, they appeal to distinct audiences. Among gamers who have purchased either title, just 2% have bought both games. This means publishers releasing a strategy game need to focus on a more specific audience than simply “strategy fans.””
+infos(oficial): LINK
Worldwide digital games market: August 2019
“Mobile grows share of total worldwide spending. Consumers spent $8.9 billion digitally worldwide in August across console, PC and mobile, up 2% from last year. Mobile, which was the fastest-growing segment, made up 62% of the total compared to 57% last August.”
Worldwide digital spending declines 1% to $8.9 billion in September. Total spend on console and PC declined 17% and 3% year-over-year respectively, despite a slew of new launches. This more than offset a 6% increase on mobile, which increased its share of the total market to 59% this month.
NBA2K and FIFA’s latest releases were slow out of the gate. In-game spending for the NBA2K franchise grew only 6% in September, while the FIFA franchise declined slightly year-over-year due to an unfavorable comparison against World Cup after-effects last year. This compares to last September, where the two franchises saw combined in-game spending growth of 24%.
Fortnite hits lowest point since launch just before “Fortnite Chapter 2“. We estimate Fortnite revenue across all platforms declined 43% month-over-month in September, marking the worst performing month of revenue since November 2017.
Fate/Grand Order receives a huge boost from China. Fate/Grand Order catapulted into the top spot on our mobile rankings this month with $246 million in revenue, up significantly from $131 million in August and $98 million last September, with the majority of the revenue increase coming from China.
Borderlands 3 marks another solid release for 2K Games. Borderlands 3 sold an estimated 3.3 million digital units across console and PC in September. The average selling price per unit came in at an above-average $69 due to Deluxe Edition sales.
+infos(oficial): LINK
The Pyramid of Game Design
Gostava de ter acesso a este livro “The Pyramid of Game Design” de Nicholas Lovell:
“Game design is changing. The emergence of service games on PC, mobile and console has created new expectations amongst consumers and requires new techniques from game makers.
In The Pyramid of Game Design, Nicholas Lovell identifies and explains the frameworks and techniques you need to deliver fun, profitable games. Using examples of games ranging from modern free-to-play titles to the earliest arcade games, via PC strategy and traditional boxed titles, Lovell shows how game development has evolved, and provides game makers with the tools to evolve with it.
Harness the Base, Retention and Superfan Layers to create a powerful Core Loop.
Design the player Session to keep players playing while being respectful of their time.
Accept that there are few fixed rules: just trade-offs with consequences.
Adopt Agile and Lean techniques to “learn what you need you learn” quickly
Use analytics, paired with design skills and player feedback, to improve the fun, engagement and profitability of your games.
Adapt your marketing techniques to the reality of the service game era
Consider the ethics of game design in a rapidly changing world.
Lovell shows how service games require all the skills of product game development, and more. He provides a toolset for game makers of all varieties to create fun, profitable games. Filled with practical advice, memorable anecdotes and a wealth of game knowledge, the Pyramid of Game Design is a must-read for all game developers.
+infos(editora): LINK
Humble unity bundle: become a game developer (uma campanha)
da lista deste novo bundle aparece:
Easy Mobile Pro (plugin para o Unity)
Mtree – tree creation (plugin para o Unity)
Snaps Prototype | Asian Residential (plugin para o Unity)
Snaps Art HD | Asian Residential (plugin para o Unity)
Dynamic Bone (plugin para o Unity)
UMotion Pro – Animation Editor (plugin para o Unity)
DoozyUI: Complete UI Management System (plugin para o Unity)
Snaps Prototype | Construction Site (assets)
Snaps Art HD | Construction Site (assets)
Locked contentUnity Learn Premium (video lessons)
PlayMaker (plugin para o Unity)
Aura 2 – Volumetric Lighting & Fog (plugin para o Unity)
Snaps Prototype | Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh (assets)
Snaps Art HD | Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh (assets)
The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity 2019 (video lessons)
+infos(campanha): LINK
Humble book bundle: become a game developer (uma campanha)
Esta é mais uma campanha apoiada pela malta da Humble.. a lista é:
Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook, Second Edition
Hands-on Game Development with Unity 2018.1, Video
Mobile Game Development with Unity 3D 2019, Video
Game Design with Unity 2019, Video
Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming, Fourth Edition
Practical Unity Game Development, Video
Locked contentHands-On Augmented Reality with ARCore and Unity, Video
Introduction to Unity, Video
Skeletons vs Zombies MOBA With Multiplayer in Unity, Video
Beginner and Advanced Lighting in Unity, Video
Cinematics and Animations in Unity, Video
Unity Virtual Reality Projects, Second Edition
Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook, Third Edition
Unity 2018 Cookbook, Third Edition
Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2019, Fourth Edition
Master ARCore 1.3 Unity SDK – Build 6 Augmented Reality Apps, Video
Learn to Code in C# in Unity 3D, Video
Create an Image Target Based Augmented Reality Experience Using Unity 3D and Vuforia 7, Video
Create Augmented Reality Apps using Vuforia 7 in Unity, Video
Create a Game Environment with Blender and Unity, Video
..por menos de 14 euros.
+infos(a campanha): LINK
Campanha para um curso de matemátia
Está a decorrer uma campanha no famoso site kickstarter sobre o tema de matemática para os videojogos. O autor deste projeto é o não menos famoso Ben Tristem sendo o resultado final um curso no site da Udemy e que vai abordaros temas de: basic arithmetic, matrices, vectors, number systems and bases, projectiles, constant acceleration formula, combinations, basic probability, trigonometry, rotations including quaternions, algebra, complex numbers, interpolation.
Parece que a melhor opção é a de 23 ou 27 libras (dependendo se as metas forem atingidas) pois depois dá direito a escolher o acesso a dois dos seguintes cursos:
Creativity for Coders: How to Create Ideas from Scratch
Unreal Engine Blueprint Developer: Learn Visual Scripting
Blender Environment Artist: Create 3D Worlds From Scratch
Discovering Godot: Make Video Games in Python-like GDScript
Unity Tech Art: Realistic Lighting For Game Development
Unreal Multiplayer Master: Online Game Development In C++
Blender Character Creator: Rigging Humanoid 3D Characters
Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++
RPG Core Combat Creator: Learn Intermediate Unity C# Coding
Complete C# Unity Developer 3D: Learn to Code Making Games
Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Game & App Development
The Board Game Developer: Become A Game Design Ninja
How To Get A Job In The Video Game Industry
Complete C# Unity Developer 2D: Learn to Code Making Games
Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners
Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games
+infos(campanha): LINK
+infos(oficial): https://www.gamedev.tv/
Um texto interessante acerca do uso de videojogos
Encontrei este post acerca do uso de videojogos e as possíveis mudanças que eles podem trazer. Com o título “Can gaming inspire social change?” por Anjuli Borgonha.
+infos(oficial): LINK
Sex lives and video games (uma exposição)
Vai estar patente em Berlim, mais concretamente no Schwules Museum, uma exposição acerca dos videojogos desenvolvidos sobre o “chapéu/cultura” de LGBTQ. A exposição vai ficar patente até meados de maio de 2019.
+infos(oficial): https://lgbtqgamearchive.com/
+infos(Schwules Museum): https://www.schwulesmuseum.de/
Craftpix, assets para ajudar no desenvolvimento de videojogos
Recursos (assets) que não são todos pagos.. e de vez em quando tem umas coisas gratuitas interessantes.
+infos(craftpix): https://craftpix.net/
Os prémios (2018) do concurso IndieX
Sword Legacy: Omen
Those Who Remain (trailer)
Pixel Ripped 1989
She and the Light Bearer
The Irrational World of Damien (Shine)