Tag: Book

Livros que contam histórias de game designers

Encontrei estas referências para alguns livros que contam as histórias de alguns Game Designers. É uma coleção já com alguns autores que presumo que não vá ficar por aqui. Para já gostava de ter acesso a dois deles. Da coleção surge:

Hideo Kojima, Progressive Game Design from Metal Gear to Death Stranding
Shigeru Miyamoto, Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda
Todd Howard, Worldbuilding in Tamriel and Beyond
Jane Jensen, Gabriel Knight, Adventure Games, Hidden Objects
Brenda Laurel, Pioneering Games for Girls


+infos(oficial): LINK

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A guide to Movie Based Video Games 1982-2000

Eu não sou grande fã de videojogos que surgem pela via de filmes, pois normalmente não trazem nada de novo a não ser a experiência de ser uma personagem de um determinado filme, contudo também existem vários exemplos do inverso.. e na maioria das vezes os filmes não são grande coisa. Este é mais um livro que trata de apresentar esta temática e tem como resumo:

“Long before gaming came to the big screen, cinema arrived in the homes of millions in the form of licensed video games; playable merchandise that tied in to some of the major tentpoles of cinematic history. Many of these games followed the storylines of the movies on which they were based, as well as providing supplementary adventures to major franchises. Collected in this book are some of the biggest games to come from Hollywood adventures during the ’80s and ’90s.
In this comprehensive book, you’ll find over 300 games across 18 chapters, with sections dedicated to major movie franchises such as Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Top Gun, Pixar, Aliens and Indiana Jones, along with nearly 200 full-color screenshots of major releases. Showcasing the highs and lows of early computer gaming through the 16-bit era and onto the advent of 3D console gaming, A Guide to Movie Based Video Games: 1982 – 2000 covers two decades of video games with trivia, analysis and recommendations.”

+infos(loja): LINK

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Livro: The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993 de Jordan Mechner

Encontrei esta referência a este livro The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993, escrito por Jordan Mechner, e que apresenta de forma bastante detalhada o famoso jogo Prince of Persia. Não é propriamente o meu jogo favorito, já que só tive contacto com ele em PC, mas lembro-me de ter jogado várias vezes e ter percebido o quanto difícil ela sobreviver se haver frustração, mas os gráficos compensavam sempre. Tinha animações perfeitas para a altura e eu recordo que começava sempre a jogar por causa dos gráficos.
Ainda assim gostava de ler estre livro e nele consta:
“Before Prince of Persia was a bestselling video game franchise and a Disney movie, it was an Apple II computer game created and programmed by a lone developer, Jordan Mechner. Mechner’s candid and revealing journals from the time capture the journey from his parents’ basement to the forefront of the fast-growing 1980s video game industry, as a 20-year-old fresh out of college with a liberal arts degree—and the creative, technical, personal, and professional struggles that brought the Prince into the homes of millions of people worldwide. In The Making of Prince of Persia, on the 30th anniversary of the game’s release, Mechner looks back at the journals he kept from 1985 to 1993 and annotates them with insights into the game that established him as a pioneer of cinematic storytelling in the industry.”

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Novo ano e mais livros

A malta da editora BitMap Books já tem disponibilizada a possibilidade de compra do novo livro “Go Straight: The Ultimate Guide to Side-Scrolling Beat-’Em-Ups”, que retrata ao longo de 450 páginas alguns dos jogos que foram desenvolvidos e que são do género beat-’em-up”. A lista é extensa e ao longo das 450 páginas estes jogos são apresentados e ilustrados centenas destes jogos. Em fevereiro de 2022 vai ser disponibilizado.

+infos(oficial): LINK

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O livro “Game Writing, Narrative Skills for Videogames”

Mais um daqueles livros que pretendo ler: “Game Writing, Narrative Skills for Videogames” com a edição de Chris Bateman. Do livro consta o seguinte texto de apresentação:
“As the videogame industry has grown up, the need for better stories and characters has dramatically increased, yet traditional screenwriting techniques alone cannot equip writers for the unique challenges of writing stories where the actions and decisions of a diverse range of players are at the centre of every narrative experience. Game Writing: Narrative Skills for Videogames was the first book to demystify the emerging field of game writing by identifying and explaining the skills required for creating videogame narrative.

Through the insights and experiences of professional game writers, this revised edition captures a snapshot of the narrative skills employed in today’s game industry and presents them as practical articles accompanied by exercises for developing the skills discussed. The book carefully explains the foundations of the craft of game writing, detailing all aspects of the process from the basics of narrative to guiding the player and the challenges of nonlinear storytelling. Throughout the book there is a strong emphasis on the skills developers and publishers expect game writers to know.

This second edition brings the material up to date and adds four new chapters covering MMOs, script formats, narrative design for urban games, and new ways to think about videogame narrative as an art form. Suitable for both beginners and experienced writers, Game Writing is the essential guide to all the techniques of game writing. There’s no better starting point for someone wishing to get into this exciting field, whether they are new game writers wishing to hone their skills, or screenwriters hoping to transfer their skills to the games industry.”

E ainda conta com as seções de:
1. Introduction to Game Narrative, Richard Dansky
2. The Basics of Narrative, Stephen Jacobs
3. Writing for Games, Richard Boon
4. Nonlinear Game Narrative, Mary DeMarle
5. Keeping the Player on Track, Chris Bateman
6. Game Characters, Andrew S. Walsh
7. Cut Scenes and Scripted Events. Richard Dansky
8. Writing Comedy for Videogames, Ed Kuehnel and Matt Entin
9. Writing for Licenses, James Swallow
10. The Needs of the Audience, Rhianna Pratchett
11. Beware of the Localization, Tim Langdell
12. Adding Magic: The Voice Actors, Coray Seifert
13. Interchangeable Dialogue Content, Dr. Ernest Adams
14. Dialogue Engines, Chris Bateman
15. Massively Multiplayer Storytelling, Dr. Richard A. Bartle
16. The Tales Cities Tell, Dr. Konstantinos Dimopoulos
17. Interactive Script Formats, Wendy Despain
18. The Avatar and the Player’s Mask, Chris Bateman

+infos(oficial): LINK

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A ler..

Estão no mercado dois livros acerca dos jogos de ZX Spectrum:
A Guide to ZX Spectrum Games – 1982 to 1984 por Shaun McClure
A Guide to ZX Spectrum Games – 1985 to 1986 por Shaun McClure

devem ser uma delícia de ser lidos :)

+infos(loja): LINK

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A opinião de cada um vale o que vale, mas é sempre interessante ouvir e ler algumas daquelas que vale a pena. Já tinha em tempos passado os olhos pelo portal goodreads.com onde podemos encontrar opiniões de pessoas que leram livros .

E foi neste portal que encontrei o livro “Sid Meier’s Memoir!: A Life in Computer Games” e que foi escrito pelo próprio Sid Meier!!! Este senhor é um dos game designers que eu mais admiro, foi pelas mãos dele que eu tive conhecimento do jogo de RTS Colonization (um dos melhores que joguei) e posteriormente o jogo e sequela Civilization. Nesta altura ainda não sei muito bem do que se trata o livro mas já está na lista de aquisições para muito breve!!

Também encontrei neste portal uma lista mais ou menos extensa (50 visiveis), e quase que organizada, acerca de “Books on Video Game History”. É sempre um tema que me interessa, principalmente se forem jogos indie e se foram jogos pelos quais eu passei várias horas. E neste caso também encontrei uma lista acerc do tema

+infos(Sid Meier): https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50489373-sid-meier-s-memoir

+infos(a lista dos históricos): LINK

+infos(a lista do game designer): LINK

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Livros a ler/comprar.. prenda?

Encontrei mais uma referência de um livro que gostava de ler.. “How to create your first board game, 5º edição” por Aaron Frias .. está em campanha no kickstart.

conteudos : 
My First Board Game
Building on Your Game Idea
Common Board Game Trends
Popular Game Mechanisms
Game Journaling
Importance of Playing Modern Games
Translating Your Game Into a Spreadsheet
Your First, Hand-drawn Prototype
Solo Playtesting
Rough Prototypes
Graphic Design Tools
Design Basics
Rapid Prototyping Using the Component.Studio online tool
Printing your Prototypes
How to 3D print components for your game
Using Tabletopia and Tabletop Simulator to Upload, Pitch and Test Your Game
Group Playtesting
Pitching to Publishers
Blind Playtesting
Self-Publishing Basics
Kickstarter Basics
Kickstarter Video Basics
Rules Guide Recommendations
Shipping Basics
Mass Manufacturing Options
Lessons Learned

e  o livro.. “The Board Game Designer’s Guide: The Easy 4 Step Process to Create Amazing Games That People Can’t Stop Playing” por Joe Slack

+infos(a campanha) LINK

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A história dos jogos produzidos na Finlândia (livro grátis)

Para quem gosta de estudar e aprender sobre o Game Design é sempre bom conhecer algumas das histórias relacionadas com o desenvolvimento de videojogos. Este livro retrata um pouco das histórias na Finlândia. O título do livro é “The Praised, The Loved, The Deplored, The Forgotten : A View into the Wide History of Finnish Games” dos autores Annakaisa Kultima, e Jouni Peltokangas, com referências ao período de 1918 a 2016.

+infos(oficial): LINK 

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Ian Livingstone e James Wallis o livro..

Board Games in 100 Moves por Ian Livingstone e James Wallis, gostava de o ler :)

“Journey through 8,000 years of history, from Ancient Egyptian Senet and Indian Snakes and Ladders, right up to role-play, fantasy and hybrid games of the present day.
More than 100 games are explored chronologically, from the most ancient to the most modern. Every chapter is full of insightful anecdotes exploring everything from design and acquisition to game play and legacy.
Discover tales of Buddha’s banned games, stolen patents, boards smuggled into prison, and Dungeons & Dragons hysteria. Roll six to start, pass go, and learn more about your favourite board games, from Mahjong to Monopoly and more!”

+infos(loja): LINK

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The Unity Game Engine and the Circuits of Cultural Software e Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning

Gostava de ter acesso a este livro “The Unity Game Engine and the Circuits of Cultural Software” de Nicoll, Benjamin e Keogh, Brendan

Videogames were once made with a vast range of tools and technologies, but in recent years a small number of commercially available ‘game engines’ have reached an unprecedented level of dominance in the global videogame industry. In particular, the Unity game engine has penetrated all scales of videogame development, from the large studio to the hobbyist bedroom, such that over half of all new videogames are reportedly being made with Unity. This book provides an urgently needed critical analysis of Unity as ‘cultural software’ that facilitates particular production workflows, design methodologies, and software literacies. Building on long-standing methods in media and cultural studies, and drawing on interviews with a range of videogame developers, Benjamin Nicoll and Brendan Keogh argue that Unity deploys a discourse of democratization to draw users into its ‘circuits of cultural software’. For scholars of media production, software culture, and platform studies, this book provides a framework and language to better articulate the increasingly dominant role of software tools in cultural production. For videogame developers, educators, and students, it provides critical and historical grounding for a tool that is widely used yet rarely analysed from a cultural angle.”

+infos(oficial): LINK

E a este livro “Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning – Using Video Games for Employability in Higher Education” por Matthew Barr.

Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning offers us a new tool for the heart and soul of graduate education, a tool for experimentation, risk-taking, creativity, and using failure as a form of learning. These are just the bits where we need the most help.

+infos(oficial): LINK

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A Compendium of ZX Spectrum Games – Volume One por Kieren Hawken

Vai ficar disponível este mês o livro A Compendium of ZX Spectrum Games – Volume One por Kieren Hawken, que resulta do compêndio de outros textos do mesmo autor. É um livro de apresentação de vários jogos que sairam para este fantástico computador :)

+infos(loja): LINK

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Uma campanha que vem do outro lado do mundo!

Está a decorrer uma campanha numa plataforma de crowdfunding com o nome “Bem Vindo Ao Game Design – Livro e Cursos Online” por João Victor Santos Pinho Teixeira. O objectivo é o de apoiar a publicação de um livro relacionado com o desenvolvimento de videojogos.

+infos(oficial): LINK 


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Livro: A History of Videogames

Mais um livro que gostava de ter acesso:
A History of Videogames, de Iain Simons, James Newman, e Ian Livingstone

+infos(comprar): LINK

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História dos videojogos :) (mais um livro)

Encontrei mais uma referência a um livro acerca de videojogos para “consolas” de 8 bits, onde se inclui o meu favorito, ZX Spectrum. Ainda não é desta que vou comprar já que o preço ronda perto dos 50 euros :(

+infos(oficial): LINK


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“20 Essential Games to Study” por Joshua Bycer

Um livro a passar pelos olhos:
“20 Essential Games to Study” por Joshua Bycer

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Eu gostava de ter acesso / I would like to have access..

GameMaker Language: An In-Depth Guide
This book.. “GameMaker Language: An In-Depth Guide” já vai na versão 1.1..

+infos(oficial): http://www.heartbeast.co/

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