Tag: conferencia de videojogos
Conferência WA I Criação de Videojogos (presencial, em Carnaxide)
“A indústria de videojogos profissionalizou-se e há quem acredite que Portugal pode vir a ser um hub europeu do sector. Um estudo publicado em 2022 estima perto de cem empresas e receitas anuais na ordem dos 31 milhões de euros. O que mudou em vinte anos? É o tema da conferência Criação de Videojogos em Portugal, moderado por Ricardo Correia (Rubber Chicken/Playstation Talents Portugal), com a participação de Ricardo Cesteiro (Camel 101) e de Calebe Motta (Outriders).”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Lisbon Game Conference 2021
durante os dias 23 e 24 de abril vai decorrer em Lisboa a conferência Lisbon Game Conference que conta com a organização por parte do NET- ISCTE.
o programa ainda está para ser definido mas em breve vão haver mais informações! para já começaram as inscrições..
+infos(oficial): https://netiscte.pt/lisbongameconference
6th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG)
“The 16th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) 2021 is proud to invite research contributions in the form of papers, games and demos, doctoral consortium applications, as well as panel, competition, and workshop proposals. We invite contributions from within and across any discipline committed to advancing knowledge on the foundations of games: computer science and engineering, humanities and social sciences, arts and design, mathematics and natural sciences. Papers and Games-and-Demos submissions will receive double-blind peer reviews. Workshops, panels, competitions, and all other submissions will be single-blind. All papers are guaranteed at least three reviews. Games and Demos are guaranteed two reviews. There will be no rebuttal. As in previous years, we aim to publish the FDG 2021 proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. ”
Game Development Methods and Technologies
This track is dedicated to submissions focused on different methods, technologies, and tools used for the development of computer games. The submissions may discuss development of both software and content. Topics include, but are not limited to, algorithms, software tools, methodologies, pipelines, and production issues. This track invites both scholarly studies as well as speculative position papers on the subject.
This track includes the use of virtual reality and augmented reality for games. Submissions that examine, validate, invalidate or create practices, patterns, mechanics, dynamics or aesthetics are encouraged to submit. Examples of such work include the examination and innovation of design methods for AR/VR, alternative methods of interaction and haptics, historic examinations of the involved technologies, analyses and critiques on the use of AR/VR, innovative AR/VR technologies and the examination of mechanics and games designed forAR/VR.
Games Beyond Entertainment and Game Education
This track calls for papers showing results on the use of games, gaming, and game design for primary goals that are not entertainment. Topics include serious or transformational games, games with a purpose, advergames and exergames, gamification and gameful design, game-based learning, informal learning in games, and educational and other ‘serious’ uses of entertainment games and gaming practices. Authors are encouraged to highlight the importance of the target problem that the game is addressing, and how their design or research findings makes a contribution to the current state of research on games for a purpose.
This track is also concerned with the teaching of games, game development and design, and game-related concepts at all levels of education and training. Topics include design and development of curricula, instructional methods, teaching tools and techniques, assessment methods, learning/instructional activities, collegiate game programs, e-sports and educational program management.
Game Analytics and Visualization
This track is suitable for all papers pertaining to aspects of game data science, analytics and game data visualization. This includes work based on player behavioral data analysis, including player modeling, churn analysis, and creating or understanding players’ profiles as well as aspects of business intelligence, such as performance evaluation or workflow optimization. Papers submitted to this track should present contributions that advance the current state-of-the-art, taking into account the knowledge bases in academia and industry, of players, play behaviors, processes or performance. We encourage submissions that span methodological approaches including quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods, as well as novel contributions to methodological approaches. Examples of topics include visualization of game data, analysis of behavioral (or other) game data, advances in methodological approaches to analyze and visualize game data, as well as applying or expanding statistical methods, machine learning, including deep learning, and AI, as well as visualization algorithms used to collect or analyze game data.
Game Artificial Intelligence
This track focuses on the many applications of computational and artificial intelligence to the playing, design, development, improvement, and testing of video games. Topics include general game-playing AI, procedural and player-driven content generation, mixed-initiative authoring tools, computational narrative, believable agents, and AI assisted game design.
Game Criticism and Analysis
This track calls for papers that approach the criticism and analysis of games from humanities-informed perspectives. Submissions are encouraged from scholars engaging in narrative, visual and software studies approaches to games and games criticism using methodologies such as archival research, hermeneutics, and oral history. This track will also consider critical theoretical and/or historical analysis of games, and game genres from perspectives such as (but not limited to) postcolonial theory, feminism, historicism, subaltern studies, queer theory, the environmental humanities, psychoanalysis, and other related topics. This track also includes the emerging trends such as esports and streaming from a humanities-informed perspective. Such work includes studies of demographic trends in esports and streaming, feminist and gender studies perspectives, social-cultural critiques and analyses of streaming and eSports subcultures, examination of societal and economic impact of eSports
Game Design and Player Experience
This track focuses on the exploration of different ways for designing and implementing interaction between the player and the game, as well as on understanding the experiences derived from those interactions. This track will consider qualitative and quantitative experimental studies. Topics include, but are not limited to, games design, mechanics, persuasive games, novel use of controllers, user research, and player psychology.
+infos(oficial): http://fdg2021.org/
Conferência GAMEON, 21st annual European (GAME‐ON’2020)
“The aim of the 21st annual European GAMEON® Conference (GAME‐ON®’2020) on Simulation and AI in Computer Games, is to bring together researchers and games people in order to exchange ideas on programming and programming techniques, which will be beneficial to the gaming industry and academia. Secondly it aims to steer young people into this industry by providing how-to tutorials and giving them the opportunity to show their ideas and demos to the gaming industry. The conference will concentrate mostly on the programming of games, with special emphasis on simulation, AI and fuzzy sets, and physics related computer graphics. Next to that, all of this will be fused in the topic of computer game design in stand-alone and networked games. Software providers will be able to show their latest packages and give hand-on tutorials for the participants.
Companies will also have the opportunity to seek new talent at this unique event.
GAME‐ON®’2020 consists of five core tracks, which cover, Gaming Methodology, Game Theory, Gamification, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation, while the other tracks cover peripheral technologies closely linked to games design, like 3-D scalability, facial and skeletal animation, 3D in-game animation etc, Mobile Gaming and Gaming Applications such as Serious games and Gamification in different sectors; Organizational issues when implementing games; Designing games for learning; Technologies, tools and platforms for developing games for learning; Games to teach arts, science, or business; Social and collaborative aspects of game-based learning; Multi-modalaspects of game-based learning (e.g. audio, augmented reality, virtual reality, etc); Motivational aspects of game-based learning”
Core Tracks
Game Development Methodology
Game Theory – Multi-Agent Systems
Gamification and Social Game Mechanics
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
Physics and Simulation
Peripheral Tracks
3-D Scalability
Facial Animation
Skeletal Animation and Fully-Scaled Rendering
3-D In-Game Animation
Modelling of virtual worlds
AI and Simulation Tools
On-line Gaming and and online-gaming security
Voice Interaction
Cognitive Psychology
Affective Computing and Emotional Gaming
Artistic Input
Game Analysis
Serious games and Gamification in different sectors
Game Applications
Handheld Gaming Devices – Mobile Gaming and VR Gaming
Perceptual User Interfaces for Games
Datas importates:
20 de abril OU 15 de maio OU 1 de junho
+infos(oficial): https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2020/
11th Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts
“The 11th Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts will be held on November 27-29, organized by the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro, and the Society of Video Games Sciences (SPCV). The annual conferences of the SPCV promote the scientific gathering of researchers in Portugal. These conferences are attended by researchers and professionals in the expanded field of videogames — Multimedia, Communication, Technology, Education, Psychology and Arts — to disseminate work and exchange experiences between the academic community and with the industry.”
Temas da conferência:
Tabletop Games
Hybrid Games
Serious Games
Datas importantes:
Submission deadline (all categories): July 15, 2019 -> 20 de agosto
Author notification of the review: August 30, 2019
Submission of the print-ready version: September 15, 2019
VJ2019 conference: November 27-29, 2019
+infos(oficial): http://videojogos2019.web.ua.pt/
iGBL2019 (em Cork City)
“iGBL2019 will be held on 26th, 27th and 28th June 2019 in Cork City (Ireland), and we welcome abstracts from developers, doctoral students, instructors and researchers for game demos, presentations or workshops on the themes of games for learning, motivation and change.”
…and submit your abstract by 25th January 2018.
+infos(oficial): http://www.igbl-conference.com/
Game Dev Camp 2016
No passado dia 17/setembro decorreu em Lisboa a terceira edição do Game Dev Camp nas instalações da Microsoft em Portugal. O evento este ano voltou a ter várias sessões paralelas e esteve uma vez mais dividido por diversos temas (em breve os videos devem ser publicados).
Sobre as sessões a minha escolha recaiu sobre uma selecção bem porreira e que foram:
MAIN KEYNOTE – Tiago, Ricardo, Diogo
Christopher Kassulke – HandyGames
INDIE EXPERIENCE – David Borrás – Pixel Cream
PROCGEN – Francisco & Pedro – Sceelix
Algumas imagens…
No espaço de divulgação de videojogos não existiam muitas demos contudo existiram um bravos guerreiros (estúdios e indivíduos) que decidiram ir mostrar o que faziam :)
Algumas das memórias:
“VALEU A PENA, foi o melhor evento de sempre”
“preciso de ir visitar eventos similares lá fora.. ver o resto do mundo”
“um ambiente de trabalho (estúdio) tem que corresponder a: um ambiente familiar, divertido, não é necessário grandes areas (m2) para se trabalhar, trabalhar no que se gosta, deve haver um horário de trabalho FIXO, deve haver flexibilidades no horário sem nunca deixar: de haver tempo para a família, amigos, desporto, cultura e divertimento”
“devemos produzir em ferramentas que aparecem ao publico pela primeira vez, não ter medo de experimentar e arriscar produzindo para essas plataformas”
“começar pelo mobile e depois ir além do mobile”
“errar faz parte do processo, errar MUITAS vezes faz parte do processo..”
“mas arriscar também”
“que venham mais eventos é bom ouvir especialistas na área”
+infos(oficial): http://event.gamedevcamp.org/
+infos(por Rui da Rocha Ferreira): http://futurebehind.com/game-dev-camp-2016-videojogos/
+infos(por Ivan Barroso): http://p3.publico.pt/vicios/hightech/21734/vamos-falar-de-videojogos
Game Industry Conference (na Polónia)
“Game Industry Conference, the biggest gamedev event in Central and Eastern Europe is looking for interesting talks with valuable points for the upcoming conference, that will be held again in Poznan on October 21st-23rd”.
+infos(oficial): http://gic.gd/en/
EAIA’2016 — AI for Games (em Barcelos)
Vai decorrer no próximo mês de novembro, de 17 a 19, uma conferencia sobre o uso de inteligência artificial nos videojogos.
Alguns dos temas da conferencia são:
Decision Taking 101
AI-Assisted Game Design Tools
Hands on Path-Finding
Real Time Player Characterization
Path-Finding in Virtual Spaces
AI in Gesture Recognition
Procedural Content Generation
Collision Avoidance
Adversarial Search in Strategy Games
não existem mais detalhes sobre a mesma para já..
+infos(oficial): http://web.ipca.pt/eaia2016/
Lisbon Game Conference 2016
No próximo mês de outubro e no ISCTE (em Lisboa) vai decorrer o Lisbon Game Conference 2016. É já a terceira edição de um evento que pretende aproximar a industria do ensino ao mesmo tempo que disponibiliza um espaço para workshops e networking.
A inscrição no evento é gratuita e o programa do mesmo ainda está para ser publicado.
No ano anterior um dos workshops esteve relacionado com a introdução ao Unity.
+infos(oficial): http://lisbongameconf.iscte-iul.pt/
Lisbon Game Conference
No próximo dia 10 e 11 de novembro vai decorrer no ISCTE (Lisboa) uma conferencia sobre videojogos.. para além das palestras vão existir vários concursos, com prémios :)
+infos(oficial): http://lisbongameconf.iscte-iul.pt/