Category: tutorial
Aprender Godot..
Para quem, como eu, que anda a adiar para aprender a usar Godot, fica aqui um video tutorial pelo Heartbeast, em que explica o desenvolvimento de um Space Shooter nesta plataforma.
+infos(oficial): LINK
E também encontrei este web site que é um repositório de ferramentas para trabalhar com o Godot e existe também uma comunidade :)
Uma comunidade online ( godot )
Encontrei um website/comunidade acerca do motor Godot que tem por objetivo a partilha de conhecimento. Uma primeira etapa são vários vídeos e recursos em como usar o Godot. Existe uma versão “paga” da comunidade que vai permitir acesso a conteudos mais específicos.
GDScript Fundamentals Tutorial Series
Encontrei este conjunto de vídeos que explicar o uso do GDScript, mais concretamente para saber usar scritps com o motor de videojogos Godot. Começa pelo básico e vai avançando para assuntos mais importantes. Interessante, fica aqui o registo. O canal tem outras listas interessantes, alguns deles abstratos mas servem para explicar algumas das funcionalidades que são implementadas nos videojogos.
+infos(videos): LINK
How to Create a Multiplayer Game in Unity (a experimentar)
A malta da Zenva, através do portal disponibilizou um tutorial onde explicam de forma bastante simples a construção de um jogo 2D multiplayer !!
Parece ser um tutorial simples mas com tudo o que é necessário.
Fica aqui o registo para testar mais tarde.
Novo curso online pela
A malta da está a disponibilizar mais um curso online com o Unity: Unity Multiplayer: Intermediate C# Coding & Networking. Desta vez é um curso com o qual tenho um particular interesse já que é sobre o desenvolvimento de um RTS com a possibilidade de ser jogado com dois ou mais jogadores.
+infos(oficial): LINK
Referências acerca do motor Godot!
Godot Tutorials (2D, GDScript, Programming Basics).
Emilio (2D, GDScript and VisualScript).
GDQuest (2D and 3D, GDScript, VisualScript and C#).
Game Development Channel (2D, GDScript).
Game Endeavor (2D, GDScript).
Game from Scratch (2D and 3D, GDScript and C#).
HeartBeast (2D, GDScript).
Jeremy Bullock (2D and 3D, GDScript, VisualScript and C#).
KidsCanCode (2D and 3D, GDScript and VisualScript).
Mister Taft Creates (2D, GDScript).
Miziziziz (2D, GDScript).
P1X / Krzysztof Jankowski (3D).
Pigdev (2D, GDScript).
Steincodes (2D, GDScript and VisualScript).
TheBuffED (2D, GDScript).
Code with Tom (2D and 3D, GDScript).
BornCG (3D, GDScript).
Gonkee (2D, 3D, GDScript, Shaders).
+infos(oficial): LINK
Cursos e aprendizagens online (Unity)
Coleção interessantes sobre alguns dos assuntos de trabalhar com o Unity
Brackeys, the end.
O canal de youtube e comunidade do Brackeys vai terminar. Foi dos primeiros canais que segui já que tem vídeos muito interessantes para explicar o uso do Unity e assuntos correlacionados como é o caso da linguagem de programação c# ou de modelação de objectos.
Os vídeos e os outros canais de suporte vão ficar activos, apesar do projeto terminar.
+infos(listas no youtube): LINK
+infos(página oficial):
Mais um canal.. com o Godot
Encontrei este canal com vídeos recentes e interessantes acerca do desenvolvimento de um videojogos com o motor Godot.
+infos(youtube): LINK
Humble Learning game coding and development bundle (uma campanha)
Está a decorrer uma campanha com referências a cursos para aprender a programar jogos e a desenvolver. Da campanha surge a lista de:
Applied Computer Vision with Unity and Azure
Battle Royale – Multiplayer Projects
Build a Micro-Strategy Game
Build an RPG Adventure in Phaser
C++ Programming for Beginners
Create a 2D RPG with Godot
Create Your First 3D Game with Unity
Develop a Puzzle Platformer Game
EasyAR and Marker-Based Apps for Beginners
Godot Game Development for Beginners
Humanoid Animation Tools for Beginners
Intro to Game Development with Unity
Intro to Multiplayer Game Development
Learn C++ by Making a Text-Based RPG
Player Authentication with Azure PlayFab
Python Programming by Making a Game
Real-time Strategy Project – Unit Movement
RPG – Multiplayer Projects
RPG Development with Phaser
The Complete Blender Course
The Complete Procedural Terrain Generation Course
Tile-Based Math Game Project
Turn-Based Game – Multiplayer Projects
Unity 2D Projects – Super Plumbers
Unity Cinemachine for Films and Games
+infos(a campanha): LINK
ps_ eu até achei interessante esta campanha por causa de alguns dos cursos que ele tem, contudo uma análise com mais critério apercebi-me que afinal estes cursos são cursos que fazem parte de um pack mais completo da malta da nomeadamente do percurso Strategy Game Development Academy e que prefazem um total de 12 cursos online
Colecção de vídeos em PT-BR acerca do Godot Engine
Uma referência a ser explorada relacionada com o desenvolvimento de videojogos com o motor Godot. O autor dos vídeos também apresenta/debate o desenvolvimento de jogos noutros motores como é o caso do: unreal, gameguru.. o canal não é exclusivo do tema de videojogos.
+infos(youtube): LINK
Acerca do uso do Godot
Uma colecção interessante de tutoriais acerca do uso do motor de videojogos Godot “Curso Godot – Conceitos Plataforma”
+infos(lista): LINK
Um blog interessante.. sobre o uso do Unity
Este blog parece sobre o uso do Unity mas também sobre o desenvolvimento de videojogos :)
Tem um posts interessantes sobre retirar melhor performance deste game engine :)
Mais uma referência para ajuda no uso do Unity
“Unity Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference 2018”
Os temas são:
MonoBehaviour Event Execution Order
GameObject Manipulation
Vector Quick Reference
Time Variables
Physics Events
Input Quick Reference
+infos(oficial): LINK
+infos(o pdf): LINK
Um tutorial acerca do uso do Godot
Uma página com um referencial sobre o uso do software do Godot game engine.
Assistir a umas palestras antes de começar o desenvolvimento de videojogos..
acerca: “Making Your First Game” – 6 videos
pela malta do Extra Credits..
Making Your First Game: Basics – How To Start Your Game Development – Extra Credits
Making Your First Game: Practical Rules – Setting (and Keeping) Goals
Making Your First Game: Minimum Viable Product – Scope Small, Start Right
Making Your First Game: Launching! – How to Market Your Game
Global Game Jam 2017: Keynote Address
Fail Faster – A Mantra for Creative Thinkers
Assistir a umas palestras sobre o desenvolvimento de videojogos..
acerca: “Take a deeper look at the principles of Game Design.” – 87 videos
pela malta do Extra Credits..
“Art” Is Not the Opposite of “Fun” – Why Analyzing Games Makes Them Better
A Case for Board Games – Why Board Games Help You Make Better Video Games
Accretion – Design by Landfill: A Longterm Strategy?
Achievements – Creating a Meaningful Meta-Game
Advanced Social Curve Design – Empowering the Community
Aesthetics of Play – Redefining Genres in Gaming
Affordances – How Design Teaches Us Without Words
Asymmetric Play – Can One Game Cater to Many Playstyles?
Awesome Per Second – Don’t Waste Time
Backtracking and Level Design – Making a Way Out
Balancing an MMO Ecosystem – Getting a Mix of Player Types
Balancing for Skill – The Link from Optimal Power to Strategy
Bartle’s Taxonomy – What Type of Player are You?
Big Bad – I: The Basics of Villains in Video Game Design
Big Bad – II: What Makes a Good Villain?
Choice and Conflict – What Does Choice Mean in Games?
Choices vs Consequences – What Player Decisions Mean in Games
Collectible Games – I: How Can We Make Good CCGs?
Collectible Games – II: Monetizing Our Collecting Urges
Collectible Games – III: What Makes a Good TCG or CCG?
Combining Genres – How to Pick the Right Design Mechanics For Your Game
Comedic Games – Can We Make More Funny Games?
Competitive Storytelling – How to Create Narrative in Multiplayer Games
Counter Play – Making Multiplayer Fun for the Opponent
Cutscenes – A Powerful (and Misused) Narrative Design Tool
De-Gamification – Flexibility to Play Your Way
Depth vs Complexity – Why More Features Don’t Make a Better Game
Designing for a Touch Screen – What Games Play Best on Mobile
Designing for Youth – Making Games for Players Under 14
Differences in Scale vs Differences in Kind – Keeping Players Interested
Digging Deeper – Do Games Have Less Value than Other Media?
Easy Games – What Happened to Hardcore Games?
Energy Systems – How Casual Games Suck You In
Exit Points – Putting Down the Game
Exploration in Games – Four Ways Players Discover Joy
Fail Faster – A Mantra for Creative Thinkers
First Move Advantage – How to Balance Turn-Based Games
Future Proofing Your Design – Looking at Hearthstone and Planning Ahead
Graphics vs. Aesthetics – Why High Resolution Graphics Aren’t Enough
Historical Games – Why Mechanics Must Be Both Good and Accurate
How Much Agency Do Games Need? – Choices in Linear Games
How To Start Your Game Narrative – Design Mechanics First
Humane Design – Games Must Be Good to Their Players
Idle Games – How Games Scratch Your Multitasking Itch
In Service to the Brand – Why Bioshock Infinite Failed
Intermediate Social Curve Design – Introducing Cooperation Rewards
Intrinsic vs Extrinsic – Designing Good Rewards in Games
Like a Ninja – What Makes a Good Stealth Game
Making Your First Game: Basics – How To Start Your Game Development
Making Your First Game: Launching! – How to Market Your Game
Making Your First Game: Minimum Viable Product – Scope Small, Start Right
Making Your First Game: Practical Rules – Setting (and Keeping) Goals
Mechanics as Metaphor – I: How Gameplay Itself Tells a Story
Mechanics as Metaphor – II: Creating Narrative Depth
MMO Economies – Hyperinflation, Reserve Currencies & You!
Negative Possibility Space – When Exploration Lets Players Down
Non-Combat Gaming – How to Make Social Mechanics Fun
Open World Design – How to Build Open World Games
Overlooked – The Hidden Potential of Hidden Object Games
Overwatch and Asymmetric Character Design – The Challenge of Varied Playstyles
Overwatch and Asymmetric Level Design – What Makes the Maps Fun?
Pacing – How Games Keep Things Exciting
Perfect Imbalance – Why Unbalanced Design Creates Balanced Play
Plan, Practice, Improvise – Understanding the Three Types of Play in Games
Playing Like a Designer – I: Examine Your Experiences
Playing Like a Designer – II: How to Analyze Game Design
Power Creep – The Trouble with Expansions and Time
Power Creep in Hearthstone – What It Teaches Us About Games
Quest Design – I: Why Many MMOs Rely on Repetitive Grind Quests
Quest Design – II: How to Create Interesting MMO and RPG Quests
Simulation Sickness – Causes and Cures for Game Headaches
Social Difficulty Curve – Easing Players into Communication
Spectacle Creep – When Sequels Try Too Hard
Speedrunning – Games Done Quick and Developer Tips
Starting Off Right – How the First Five Minutes Draw Players In
The Feeling of Agency – What Makes Choice Meaningful?
The Fighting Game Problem – How to Teach Complicated Mechanics
The Illusion of Choice – How Games Balance Freedom and Scope
The Magic Circle – How Games Transport Us to New Worlds
The Pre-Production Problem – How to Improve the Planning Process in Game Design
The Role of the Player – The Player is Both Audience and Storyteller
The Skinner Box – How Games Condition People to Play More
The Uncanny Valley – Why More Realistic Characters Look Less Human
Tutorials 101 – How to Design a Good Game Tutorial
What Is a Game? – How This Question Limits Our Medium
What Makes Us Roleplay? – Why Game Worlds Feel Real
When Difficult Is Fun – Challenging vs. Punishing Games
Construir “Graphics Shaders”
Um tutorial/introdução que explica a construção de Graphics Shaders
+infos: LINK