Tag: auto-prendas
BoardGame: Halls Of Hegra
“From an abandoned fortress you command a group of Norwegian volunteers fighting numerically superior German forces at the start of WW2.”
mais um jogo de tabuleiro com um tema interessante, relacionado com a WW2 mas desta vez com um cenário de resistência. Infelizmente o preço é algo proibitivo neste momento pois os 47,55€ dão para ver outros coisas e que são jogos solitários.
+infos(bgg): https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/336131/halls-hegra
The Rules We Break : Play games. Solve problems. Design better.
Vai estar brevemente disponivel o livro The Rules We Break : Play games. Solve problems. Design better de Eric Zimmerman. De acordo com o autor o livro:
“Games and exercises to help designers understand how people think, how systems work, and how a design process can unfold.
Exercises in Play, Systems, and Design is a collection of hands-on, real-world exercises for designers of all kinds. Games and play can help designers understand how people think, how systems work, and how a design process can unfold. The exercises are sometimes played on a tabletop, and sometimes are physical and social games, but they are all thought-provoking and (of course!) very fun to play. The book is divided into three sections, games that can be played in 30 minutes, 2 hours, and a day or more. They are valuable for anyone who wants to know more about how people think, how systems work, how to create meaningful experiences, and how to redesign the world for the better.
Short, inspirational essays begin each section, where readers learn about productive collaboration, creative problem solving, how to communicate ideas, and analyzing how systems work.”
O livro tem um site do qual se podem retirar alguns documentos para serem impressos. Tratam-se dos extras/tabuleiros para serem jogados porque quem vai ler o livro :)
+infos(oficial): https://theruleswebreak.com/
Uma campanha e um livro..
Está a decorrer na plataforma indiegogo uma recolha de “fundos” para ajudar na publicação de um livro intitulado “Production Point, How to plan and finish your game as a solo developer” por Benjamin Anderson. Já há algum tempo que sigo o trabalho que é desenvolvido por ele nomeadamente no que se refere ao uso de motores de videojogos. Inclusive já adquiri em tempos um curso dele relacionado com o motor GameMaker Studio.
Bom agora ele tem a decorrer uma campanha acerca do seu novo livro. O livro tem como secções:
Introduction: The Dream
How I got started in gamedev
What does success look like?
Chapter 1: The Gold Mine
Gold mine analogy
Explore + Exploit and the 2 Phases of Game Development
I‘m not the first person tbreak the process down int2 phases
Stuck in Pre-production (tomany prototypes)
Stuck in Production (working on a single game for months or even years without progress)
Stuck in Both (switching between the twphases)
Defining clear lines
Chapter 2: Clear Lines
What goes Pre-production Look Like?
What does Production Look Like?
Bringing them together, the Production Point
Exceptions tthe clear lines
Chapter 3: Pre-Production
Pre—production traps tavoid
Focusing on Systems and Mechanics
Scope by doing and keep it simple
Playful mentality
What tdwhen you lose motivation
Start on paper
Feedback from yourself
Videfeedback from small groups (5-10)
Evaluating feedback
What does progress look like?
Chapter 4: The Production Point
Production point traps tavoid
How dyou know when you are ready for production? (The uncertainty curve)
Consider what production will look like?
Transitioning to production
Crowdfunding and testing your game’s marketability
Chapter 5: Production
Production traps tavoid
Focusing on Content (how much content will you have)
Scope by planning (trello/github)
What tdabout burnout and monotony?
Alpha feedback from a large group of testers
Evaluating alpha feedback
Beta feedback from large group of testers
Evaluating beta feedback
What does progress look like?
Chapter 6: Ship it!
Launch traps tavoid
Making a press kit
Making a simple trailer
Support your players
Evaluate your launch. Find things that surprised you and readjust your model of making games for next time
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Finishing games
The hardest thing I know how tdo
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Finishing games
The hardest thing I know how tdo
What this book isn’t:
This book won’t teach you how to program
This book isn’t about game design, though if you follow the steps in it you will probably end up with a well designed game
This book doesn’t go into specifics about publishing your game on platforms like Steam, GOG, Epic, or any consoles
This book doesn’t cover the legalities or business side of making games (check out Gamedev by Wlad Marhulets as a starting point for that)
+infos(a campanha): LINK
+infos(oficial): https://www.heartgamedev.com/
Life Is A Game: The inspirational success story of a legendary game developer (livro)
Encontrei esta referência que me parece ser bastante interessante: “Life Is A Game: The inspirational success story of a legendary game developer” por Mev Dinc. Mev Dinc foi/é um game developer nos anos 80 e seguintes e que decidiu partilhar as suas histórias e aventuras neste negócio com a comunidade.
Pretendo ler este livro, mas o preço está a variar entre os 39euros e os 24euros, vamos ver como fica nos próximos tempos.
+infos(loja): LINK
Fighters of the Pacific, um jogo WW2 de tabuleiro
Está a decorrer uma campanha sobre o jogo Fighters of the Pacific, um jogo de tabuleiro que se debruça sobre o cenário de batalhas áreas no pacifico!! O tema é interessante mas.. :) água a mais para o meu gosto?
O preço base sem extras da campanha custa 80 euros + portes e o jogo base custa 45 euros + portes!
+infos(a campanha): LINK
BoardGame: Tanks, But No Thanks!
Não que seja sobre um dos temas que eu gosto mas achei interessante este jogo. Batalha de tanques para dois ou até quatro jogadores. Um cenário aparentemente simples, missões com objetivos específicos e alguma estratégia.
O preço de lançamento na campanha, rondou os 27,85 euros, vamos lá ver como fica o preço da versão venda ao público lá para julho!!!
+infos(boardgamegeek.com): LINK
+infos(oficial): https://tinrobotgames.com/tanksbutnothanks/
Livros a ler/comprar.. prenda?
Encontrei mais uma referência de um livro que gostava de ler.. “How to create your first board game, 5º edição” por Aaron Frias .. está em campanha no kickstart.
conteudos :
My First Board Game
Building on Your Game Idea
Common Board Game Trends
Popular Game Mechanisms
Game Journaling
Importance of Playing Modern Games
Translating Your Game Into a Spreadsheet
Your First, Hand-drawn Prototype
Solo Playtesting
Rough Prototypes
Graphic Design Tools
Design Basics
Rapid Prototyping Using the Component.Studio online tool
Printing your Prototypes
How to 3D print components for your game
Using Tabletopia and Tabletop Simulator to Upload, Pitch and Test Your Game
Group Playtesting
Pitching to Publishers
Blind Playtesting
Self-Publishing Basics
Kickstarter Basics
Kickstarter Video Basics
Rules Guide Recommendations
Shipping Basics
Mass Manufacturing Options
Lessons Learned
e o livro.. “The Board Game Designer’s Guide: The Easy 4 Step Process to Create Amazing Games That People Can’t Stop Playing” por Joe Slack
+infos(a campanha) LINK
One Up: Creativity, Competition, and the Global Business of Video Games
saiu ou está quase a sair um livro de nome “One Up: Creativity, Competition, and the Global Business of Video Games“, que não tratando do tema que mais me agrada (o Game Desgin) parece apontar para o lado do negócio e dos valores na industria do desenvolvimento dos videojogos.
acho sempre interessante esta análise, nem que seja para chamar a atenção que esta industria vende mais do que tudo o resto.
o autor, Joost van Dreunen, também tem um blog onde vai partilhando alguns comentários sobre o que se passa no mundo e fazendo algumas análises ao mercado, e que merecem ser lidas :) encontrei este tópico acerca das receitas de comissões e vendas que a diferentes lojas digitais estão a implementar (LINK)
+infos(autor): https://www.superjoost.net/book
+infos(loja): LINK
Trench Club
Mais uma campanha para ajudar na colocação no mercado de um jogo de tabuleiro (campanha que já terminou). Esta era sobre um jogo com o tema da primeira guerra mundial e um preço interessante. Outra coisa interessante é o facto de o jogo permitir que exista um modo solitário :)
A campanha terminou mas ficam aqui algumas das informações para posterior comparação:
_preço mínimo de apoio 49 euros ou 75 (com extras)
_dois cenários de jogo
_mais de 300 marcadores de evolução do jogo
_várias fações de jogo: reino unido, franceses, alemães, império Austro-Húngaro
_e muitos outros objetos complementares
já é possível fazer o download das regras do jogo :) as vendas/entregas serão feitas no inicio do próximo ano.
+infos(link da campanha): LINK
+infos(pagina oficial): http://trench-club.com/
Memoire’44, as expansões
” all these Memoir ’44 expansions should be back on stores before the end of the year!
– Pacific Theater
– Mediterranean Theater
– Winter Wars
– Eastern Front
– Terrain Pack
– Operation Overlord
– Winter/Desert Map.”
+infos(rede social): LINK
Livros a ler/comprar.. prendas?
Eurogames: The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Board Games, 2012, de Stewart Woods
+infos(na loja): LINK
It’s All a Game: The History of Board Games from Monopoly to Settlers of Catan, 2017,de Tristan Donovan
+infos(na loja): LINK
Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Fourth Edition 4th Edition, 2018, de Tracy Fullerton
+infos(na loja): LINK
Rules of Play – Game Design Fundamentals, 2003, de K Salen
+infos(na loja): LINK
Umas lindas histórias..
Encontrei esta editora, a Bitmap Books, que tem publicado uns livros muitos interessantes, relacionados com as histórias dos videojogos. A quase totalidade do livros têm um destaque muito especial para imagens dos videojogos, acompanhados de algumas histórias acerca dos mesmos. Das publicações já consta uma lista muito interessante e diversificada, na qual se pode encontrar:
Commodore Amiga: a visual Commpendium
Super Famicom: The Box Art Collection
Generation 64 – How the Commodore 64 inspired a generation of Swedish gamers
A Gremlin in the Works
Sinclair ZX Spectrum: a visual compendium
Commodore 64: a visual Commpendium
NES/Famicom: a visual compendium
SNES/Super Famicom: a visual compendium
SEGA® Master System: a visual compendium
The Art of Point-and-Click Adventure Games
The CRPG Book: A Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games
H.G. Wells: The War of the Worlds Illustrated
ARTCADE – The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art (Extended Edition)
Metal Slug: The Ultimate History
The SNES Pixel Book
Atari 2600/7800: a visual compendium
Micro but Many: an unofficial Micro Machines collection
Ainda não tive o prazer de conhecer nenhum dos livros mas irei sem duvida querer ter acesso a dois/três deles :) Guess what? :P
(8/9/2020) refiz a minha lista de leitura.. e vou atacar os livros:
The Art of Point-and-Click Adventure Games
The Games That Weren’t
+infos(Bitmap Books): https://www.bitmapbooks.co.uk/
2GM Pacific
A malta do 2GM tem a decorrer uma campanha relativa ao jogo 2GM Pacific que relata as histórias da segunda grande guerra nas para os lados do pacifico.
Esta mesma editora é responsável pelo jogo 2GM Tactics, que é sobre o que se passou na Europa.
Existem várias formas de participação sendo que aquelas que destaco são:
39 euros + portes – 2GM Pacific + ALL unlocked Stretch Goals
ou então
130 euros + portes 2GM Pacific (New Core Game); ALL unlocked Stretch Goals; Italy Expansion (First Edition); Germany Reinforcement Expansion (First Edition); United Kingdom Expansion (First Edition); USSR Expansion (First Edition); Previous KS exclusive deck with 92 cards; 2GM Tactics original core game (in English)
O jogo parece ser interessante e acho que o preço é +-justo .. mas vai ter que ficar para outras oportunidades.
+infos(campanha): LINK
1941: Race to Moscow
Estive para participar nesta campanha deste jogo de tabuleiro, contudo hesitei porque ainda não joguei um outro jogo similar a ele, o 1944: Race to the Rhine. Esta campanha ficava em 60 libras+ 12 libras para o transporte (+- 85,55 euros), com alguns extras
+infos(campanha): LINK
+infos(comparação): LINK
Handmade pixels: independent video games and the quest for authenticity
:) hoje é dia para divulgar por aqui livros, mais um: “Handmade pixels: independent video games and the quest for authenticity” de Jesper Juul
Acerca do livro:
“An investigation of independent video games—creative, personal, strange, and experimental—and their claims to handcrafted authenticity in a purely digital medium.
Video games are often dismissed as mere entertainment products created by faceless corporations. The last twenty years, however, have seen the rise of independent, or “indie,” video games: a wave of small, cheaply developed, experimental, and personal video games that react against mainstream video game development and culture. In Handmade Pixels, Jesper Juul examine the paradoxical claims of developers, players, and festivals that portray independent games as unique and hand-crafted objects in a globally distributed digital medium.
Juul explains that independent video games are presented not as mass market products, but as cultural works created by people, and are promoted as authentic alternatives to mainstream games. Writing as a game player, scholar, developer, and educator, Juul tells the story of how independent games—creative, personal, strange, and experimental—became a historical movement that borrowed the term “independent” from film and music while finding its own kind of independence.
Juul describes how the visual style of independent games signals their authenticity—often by referring to older video games or analog visual styles. He shows how developers use strategies for creating games with financial, aesthetic, and cultural independence; discusses the aesthetic innovations of “walking simulator” games; and explains the controversies over what is and what isn’t a game. Juul offers examples from independent games ranging from Dys4ia to Firewatch; the text is richly illustrated with many color images.”
Os conteúdos são:
High-Tech Low-Tech Authenticity: The Creation of Independent Style at the Independent Games Festival
A selective History of Independen Games
How to Make and Independent Games
The Aesthetics of the Aesthetics of the Aesthetics of Video Games
Whoe Cares If It’s a Game?
Conclusions: Independent Evermore
+infos(oficial): LINK
Time and Space in Video Games: A Cognitive-Formalist Approach
Outro livro que gostava de ter acesso: Time and Space in Video Games: A Cognitive-Formalist Approach (Studies of Digital Media Culture, Bd. 9) de Federico Alvarez Igarzábal
“Video games are temporal artifacts: They change with time as players interact with them in accordance with rules. In this study, Federico Alvarez Igarzábal investigates the formal aspects of video games that determine how these changes are produced and sequenced. Theories of time perception drawn from the cognitive sciences lay the groundwork for an in-depth analysis of these features, making for a comprehensive account of time in this novel medium. The first book-length study exclusively dedicated to the topic, it is an indispensable resource for game scholars and game developers alike, while its reader-friendly style makes it readily accessible to the interested layperson.”
os conteúdos são:
Brain time in virtual space
“the state machine and the present moment”
“structuring gametime”
“cause, effect, and player-centric time
Interation in virtual space
“predictive thinking in virtual worlds”
“the goundhog day effect”
“the hybrid narrator”
Through the temporal landscape
“the speed of time”
“marshmallows and bullets”
“Chekhov’s BFG”
+infos(oficial): LINK
+infos(google books): LINK
Godot Engine Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself: The Official Guide to Godot 3.0
Aqui está um livro daqueles que gostava de testar: “Godot Engine Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself: The Official Guide to Godot 3.0” dos autores Ariel Manzur e George Marques
Do programa do livro e em 24h faz parte:
Hour 1. Introducing the Godot Engine
Hour 2. Scene System
Hour 3. 2D Graphics
Hour 4. Scripting
Hour 5. Game 1: Space Shooter
Hour 6. More Scripting
Hour 7. Handling Input
Hour 8. Physics System
Hour 9. User Interface
Hour 10. Animation
Hour 11. Game Flow
Hour 12. File System
Hour 13. 3D Graphics
Hour 14. Project Management
Hour 15. Materials and Shaders
Hour 16. Lights and Shadows
Hour 17. Game 2: Bloxorz Clone
Hour 18. Environments
Hour 19. Sound
Hour 20. Particle System
Hour 21. Viewports and Canvas
Hour 22. Networking
Hour 23. Game 3: Networked Bomberman Clone
Hour 24. Exporting the Project
Hour 25. Native Code
+infos(oficial): LINK
Ian Livingstone e James Wallis o livro..
Board Games in 100 Moves por Ian Livingstone e James Wallis, gostava de o ler :)
“Journey through 8,000 years of history, from Ancient Egyptian Senet and Indian Snakes and Ladders, right up to role-play, fantasy and hybrid games of the present day.
More than 100 games are explored chronologically, from the most ancient to the most modern. Every chapter is full of insightful anecdotes exploring everything from design and acquisition to game play and legacy.
Discover tales of Buddha’s banned games, stolen patents, boards smuggled into prison, and Dungeons & Dragons hysteria. Roll six to start, pass go, and learn more about your favourite board games, from Mahjong to Monopoly and more!”
+infos(loja): LINK
Ainda sobre a GPi Case..
Mais uma imagens :)
+infos(oficial): http://retroflag.com/
Neo Geo arcade stick
A malta do SNK vai colocar no mercado uma arcade stick :) vamos lá ver os preços deste brinquedo ;)
+infos(oficial): LINK
Encontrei :)
Finalmente encontrei cá em Portugal quem faça um Arcade Stick para dois players e com botões de pinball machine ;) É feita em Barcelos para todo o país pela arcadebox.pt :)
agora é só juntar uns euros :P
+infos(página oficial): LINK
+infos(rede social): LINK
The Unity Game Engine and the Circuits of Cultural Software e Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning
Gostava de ter acesso a este livro “The Unity Game Engine and the Circuits of Cultural Software” de Nicoll, Benjamin e Keogh, Brendan
“Videogames were once made with a vast range of tools and technologies, but in recent years a small number of commercially available ‘game engines’ have reached an unprecedented level of dominance in the global videogame industry. In particular, the Unity game engine has penetrated all scales of videogame development, from the large studio to the hobbyist bedroom, such that over half of all new videogames are reportedly being made with Unity. This book provides an urgently needed critical analysis of Unity as ‘cultural software’ that facilitates particular production workflows, design methodologies, and software literacies. Building on long-standing methods in media and cultural studies, and drawing on interviews with a range of videogame developers, Benjamin Nicoll and Brendan Keogh argue that Unity deploys a discourse of democratization to draw users into its ‘circuits of cultural software’. For scholars of media production, software culture, and platform studies, this book provides a framework and language to better articulate the increasingly dominant role of software tools in cultural production. For videogame developers, educators, and students, it provides critical and historical grounding for a tool that is widely used yet rarely analysed from a cultural angle.”
+infos(oficial): LINK
E a este livro “Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning – Using Video Games for Employability in Higher Education” por Matthew Barr.
“Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning offers us a new tool for the heart and soul of graduate education, a tool for experimentation, risk-taking, creativity, and using failure as a form of learning. These are just the bits where we need the most help.”
+infos(oficial): LINK
Livros :)
Retro Gaming: A Byte-sized History of Video Games – From Atari to Zelda, por Mike Diver
+infos(loja): LINK
A Brief History Of Video Games: From Atari to Virtual Reality (Brief Histories), por Rich Stanton
+infos(loja): LINK
Games, Design and Play: A Detailed Approach to Iterative Game Design por Colleen Macklin
+infos(loja): LINK
Indie Games : The Complete Introduction to Indie Gaming, por Mike Diver
+infos(loja): LINK