Tag: não é de videojogos
20th International Federation for Information Processing – International Conference on Entertainment Computing (IFIP-ICEC 2021)
“IFIP-ICEC is the longest lasting and prime scientific conference series in the area of Entertainment Computing. It brings together practitioners, researchers, artists, designers, and industry on the design, creation, development, use, application and evaluation of digital entertainment content and experience systems. In addition, it brings together research on education and entertainment. This event covers a diverse array of related research issues, including game-based learning and other learning experiences associated with entertainment.”
Design and Analysis
Game Design: Theory, Creation & Testing
Interactive Narratives & Digital Storytelling
Entertainment Robots, Toys & Smart Gadgets
Social Media / Social Computing Entertainments
New Genres of Interactive & Digital Entertainment
Interactive Art, Performance and Novel Interactions
Digital Art & Installations
Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality & Entertainment
Ubiquitous/Pervasive Entertainment
Sound, Music & Performance
TransMedia and Entertainment
Entertainment Devices, Platforms & Systems
Digital Entertainment Hardware & Devices
Entertainment for Nomadic Users
Ambient Entertainment
Digital Broadcasting and Digital Cinema
Interactive Television and Broadcasting
Theoretical Foundations and Ethical Issues
Experiential Aspects in Entertainment
Emotions and Affective Interaction
Theoretical Basis of Entertainment
Social / Cultural Impacts of Digital Entertainment
Issues of Public Relations & Advertising Through Entertainment
Entertainment for Purpose & Persuasion
Serious Games
Games for Learning, Health & Well-Being
Games For Change & Social Impact Games
Advergames and Digital Marketing
Computational Methodologies for Entertainment
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Entertainment
Procedural Content Generation
Computer Graphics & Visual Effects
Big Data in Entertainment
Security & Privacy in Entertainment
Algorithmic research on board and card games
New types of entertainment using information technologies
Hardware technology research and development to implement entertainment systems
Non-traditional human interface technologies for entertainment
+infos(oficial): https://ifip-icec2021.dei.uc.pt/