Humble Software Bundle: Maps Seectacular (uma campanha)

Uma campanha que está a decorrer e que tem como “oferta” mapas digitais para videojogos. Do texto surge: “Bring your fantasy world to life. Put some more polish and pedigree into the fantasy & role-playing worlds you build with this extensive collection that bundles infinite creative potential! Whether you’re designing dungeons to challenge a party (Dungeon Designer 3), a city to capture their wonder (City Designer 3), or a connective world for an epic trans-continental campaign (Campaign Cartographer 3), elevate the way you bring your world to life with the amazing design software and art resources”

Da lista de oferta surge:
City Designer 3
Dungeon Designer 3
Campaign Cartographer 3+ Lifetime License
Avenues and Alleys
Fantastic Landscapes
Exotic Locales
More than Maps
Sources Maps: Castles
Symbol Set 2: Fantasy Floorplans
Source Maps: Temples, Tombs and Catacombs
Symbols: Cities of Schley
Source Maps: Cities!
World Builder’s Compendium
Token Treasury: Monsters
Battle Maps Collection
Modern Mapper
The Age of Exploration
Dungeons & Floorplans

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Humble Software Bundle: RPG Game Dev RE-Bundle (uma campanha)

Nova nova campanha de livros relacionada com o mundo dos Videojogos, o seu desenvolvimento, a história do mundo dos Videojogos e outros estudos acerca de Videojogos. Do texto de apresentação surge “Discover insider knowledge on all things gaming—from design, development, and theory to the history of your favorite consoles, RPGs, MMORPGs, and more—in the Inside Gaming book bundle from MIT Press!
Get fascinating new perspectives on popular games like Dungeons & Dragons and World of Warcraft (Game Wizards; Warcraft Civilization). Take a trip down memory lane, and revisit histories of classic gaming systems, including Atari (Racing the Beam; Atari Age), the Game Boy Advance (Who Are You?), Super Nintendo (Super Power, Spoony Bards, Silverware), and the Nintendo Wii (Codename Revolution). Go inside the world of game developers with Handmade Pixels and Developer’s Dilemma, and discover how games provide more than just entertainment—but insight into our values, the nature of play, and the power of storytelling—in The Art of Failure, How Games Move Us, and Values at Play”. e a lista é constituída por:
Game Wizards: The Epic Battle for Dungeons and Dragons
Virtual Reality
The Elusive Shift: How Role-Playing Games Forged Their Identity
Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System
How Games Move Us: Emotion by Design
Half-Real: Videos Games Between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds
The Art of Failure: An Essay on the Pain of Playing Video Games
The Well-Played Game: A Player’s Philosophy
Critical Play: Radical Game Design
Play Matters
Uncertainty in Games
Values at Play in Digital Games
Homebrew Gaming and the Beginnings of Vernacular Digitality
Achievement Relocked: Love Aversion and Game Design
Developer’s Dilemma: The Secret World of Videogame Creators
Handmade Pixels: The Independent Video Games and The Quest for Authenticity
Who Are You? Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance Platform
How Pac-Man Eats
Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games and Virtual Worlds
Atari Age: The Emergence of Video Games in America
A Play of Bodies: How We Perceive Video Games
Super Power, Spoony Bards, and Silverware: The Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Atari to Zelda: Japan’s Video Games in Global Contexts
Codename Revolution: The Nintendo Wii Platform
The Warcraft Civilization: Social Science in a Virtual World

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Proposta de trabalho (no Lisboa)

O estúdio Marmalade Game Studio PT tem várias ofertas de trabalho nomeadamente:
UX/UI Artists
QA Testers
Marketing Designer

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Proposta de trabalho (no Porto)

A Saber Porto procura malta para trabalhar com eles, e da lista consta:
Gameplay Programmer
Ui/Ux Programmer
Engine/Tools Programmer
Build/System Programmer
Render/Graphics Programmer
Ai Programmer
Online Client/Server Programmer
Multiplayer Programmer
Animation Programmer
Audio Programmer
Character 3d Artist
Prop-3d Artist H
Environment-Artist (Ue5)
Vegetation Artist(Speeptree/Ue5)
Concept Artist
Game Designer
Narrative Designer
Combat Designer
Level Designer
Senior Publishing Producer
Senior Producer
Junior Producer
Product Manager
Project Manager
Qa Tester


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Prémios Playstation talents – 8ª edição

Quem pode participar:
“Poderão participar nos Prémios Play Station Talents 2022 em Portugal pequenos estúdios, estudantes universitários e jovens programadores portugueses, assim como empresas portugueses que tenham faturado menos de 100.000 € em 2021.”

É necessário preparar:
“A documentação deve incluir:
uma build jogavel/vertical slice;
um vídeo de apresentação do jogo com um máximo de 5 minutes de duração;
o documento de concept design (em formato .pdf, sem limite de páginas);
os currículos dos membros do equipa.”

As categorias:
Categoria principal:
o Prémio PlayStation Talents para Melhor jogo

Categorias Secundárias
Prémio PlayStation Talents para Jogo mais inovador;
Prémio PlayStation Talents para Melhor Arte;
Prémio PlayStation Talents para Melhor Utilização das Plataformas PlayStation;
Prémio PlayStation Talents para Melhor Jogo Infantil;
Prémio PlayStation Talents da Imprensa;
Prémio PlayStation Talents para Melhor Jogo de Competição Online;
Prémio PlayStation Talents para Melhor Narrativa;

Categorias Especiais
Prémio PlayStation Talents Especial Games for Good: em parceria com o evento Games for Good organizado pela Universidade Europeia”

Dos prémios de 2022 consta:
“Na categoria principal, o projeto vencedor do Prémio PlayStation” para Melhor Jogo de 2022 em Portugal irá receber apoio económico para o desenvolvimento e publicado do jogo por parte do PlayStation® Ibéria através de:
10.000€ em dinheiro para o desenvolvimento do videojogo,
A publicação do jogo no PlayStation Network,
Acesso a ferramentas de desenvolvimento PlayStation,
Uma campanha de promoção e marketing em canais PlayStation”, avaliada em 50.000€.
Espaço físico em Lisboa para trabalhar no projeto durante 10 meses.

O calendário consta:
“O prazo para envio de candidaturas termine no dia 30 de setembro as 23h59. Durante o més de outubro serão anunciados os projetos finalistas. Os vencedores serão anunciados no inicio do próximo ano.”


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Livro: The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993 de Jordan Mechner

Encontrei esta referência a este livro The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993, escrito por Jordan Mechner, e que apresenta de forma bastante detalhada o famoso jogo Prince of Persia. Não é propriamente o meu jogo favorito, já que só tive contacto com ele em PC, mas lembro-me de ter jogado várias vezes e ter percebido o quanto difícil ela sobreviver se haver frustração, mas os gráficos compensavam sempre. Tinha animações perfeitas para a altura e eu recordo que começava sempre a jogar por causa dos gráficos.
Ainda assim gostava de ler estre livro e nele consta:
“Before Prince of Persia was a bestselling video game franchise and a Disney movie, it was an Apple II computer game created and programmed by a lone developer, Jordan Mechner. Mechner’s candid and revealing journals from the time capture the journey from his parents’ basement to the forefront of the fast-growing 1980s video game industry, as a 20-year-old fresh out of college with a liberal arts degree—and the creative, technical, personal, and professional struggles that brought the Prince into the homes of millions of people worldwide. In The Making of Prince of Persia, on the 30th anniversary of the game’s release, Mechner looks back at the journals he kept from 1985 to 1993 and annotates them with insights into the game that established him as a pioneer of cinematic storytelling in the industry.”

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Vassal: open-source game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games

Encontrei este software que permite jogar em formato digital alguns jogos de tabuleiro. Para além disso tem as funções de:
“Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. You can use Vassal to play in real time over the Internet or by email. Vassal runs on all platforms and is free, open-source software.”

Da vasta lista de módulos (jogos de tabuleiro) surge:
Module:Memoir ’44
Module:Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge
Module:The Great War


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Ensino de videojogos em Portugal

Esta informação foi retirada do site da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências dos Videojogos (SPC videojogos):
Licenciaturas em Portugal
Licenciatura em Design de Jogos Digitais, IPB, Bragança
Licenciatura em Engenharia e Desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais, IPCA, Barcelos
Licenciatura em Games and Apps Development, Universidade Europeia, Lisboa
Licenciatura em Jogos Digitais e Multimédia, IPL, Leiria
Licenciatura em Videojogos, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisboa
Licenciatura em Videojogos e Aplicações Multimédia, Universidade Lusófona, Porto

Mestrados em Portugal
Mestrado em Computação Gráfica, Universidade Aberta + Universidade do Porto + Universidade de Coimbra (online)
Mestrado em Comunicação Multimédia – Multimédia Interactivo, UA, Aveiro
Mestrado em Design e Desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais, UBI, Covilhã
Mestrado em Engenharia de Desenvolvimento em Jogos Digitais, IPCA, Barcelos
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática e Computadores – Especialização em Jogos, IST-Taguspark, Oeiras
Mestrado em Multimédia – Especialização em Tecnologias Interativas e Jogos Digitais, UP, Porto

Pós-Graduações em Portugal
Curso de Especialização em Design de Interação, Web e Jogos, UP, Porto
Pós-Graduação em Aplicações Móveis Multimédia, Universidade Lusíada, Lisboa

Unidades Curriculares em Cursos em Portugal
Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação, variante Internet e Novos Media, UCP, Lisboa
– Videojogos e entretenimento [obrigatória]
Mestrado em Design de Comunicação, e Mestrado em Arte Multimédia, FBA/UL, Lisboa
– Game Design [Opcional]
Mestrado em Design e Multimédia, UC, Coimbra
– Diversas unidades que o aluno pode combinar para fazer a sua especialização em jogos: Design de Jogos, Modelação, Animação, Design de Som, Design Generativo, Design de Interação, Tecnologias de Interface, Arquitectura de Interface; com projeto especializado na área e componente de investigação.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, UBI, Covilhã
– Tecnologias de Jogos de Vídeo [Obrigatória]
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, UC, Coimbra
– Design de Jogos
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática e Computação, FEUP, Porto
– Desenvolvimento de Jogos de Computador [Opcional], com projetos desenvolvidos em conjunto com Seminários de Design II – Modelação (Licenciatura em Design de Comunicação, FBAUP) e Design de Som para Media Digitais (Mestrado em Multimédia, UPorto).
Mestrado em Multimédia, FEUP, Porto
– Jogos Digitais [Opcional]
– Diversas unidades para trabalhar na área: Sistemas Digitais Interativos, Sistemas Gráficos e Animação 3D, Interfaces Multimodais, Design de Som para Media Digitais
Mestrado em Tecnologia e Arte Digital, UM, Braga
– Narrativas Digitais [Obrigatória]
Licenciatura em Arte Multimédia, UL, Lisboa
– Metodologia Projetual Multimédia
– Sistemas Interativos
Licenciatura em Audiovisual e Multimédia, ES Comunicação Social, Lisboa
– 3d Interactivo [Opcional]
– Multimédia e Jogos [Opcional]
Licenciatura em Ciências da Comunicação e da Cultura, ULHT, Lisboa
– Cibertexto e Videojogos [Opcional]
Licenciatura em Design de Comunicação, ISMAT, Portimão
– Videojogos e Médias Interactivos [Opcional]
Licenciatura em Design e Multimédia, UC, Coimbra
– Diversas unidades para trabalhar na área: Design de Meios Interactivos, Computação Gráfica, Inteligência Artificial, Projeto de Comunicação Multimédia e Projeto Multimédia Interactivo.
Pós-graduação em Media e entretenimento, UCP, Lisboa
Jogos Digitais [obrigatória]

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Oferta de trabalho (em Almada)

Uma empresa Britânica abriu escritórios em Portugal e o local físico escolhido foi Almada. Por este motivo aparecem várias propostas de trabalho para o desenvolvimento de videojogos nomeadamente (e que eu destaco):

Game Designer – Casual Games
What’s the job?
As a Game Designer for Casual Games you have experience conceptualising and designing engaging mechanics and metagame. You’ll work closely with every department to craft new games and improve existing titles.

Skills and requirements
A minimum of 3 years experience in a game design role.
Experience working with F2P mobile games.
Working knowledge of the Unity engine.
Strong written and verbal communication skills.
Strong knowledge of mobile free-to-play game monetisation.
Knowledge of mobile game market, trends, competition, platforms and app stores.
Ability to work creatively in a demanding team environment.
Absolute passion for playing and making video games, especially mobile games.
Strong creative ideas and imagination, able to entertain players with challenges, humour, surprises and fun.
Positive attitude, self driven and able to work alone or as part of a team.

Creative writing skills.
Coding / prototyping skills.
Experience of mobile game live ops, A/B testing and telemetry.

We offer
We want everyone involved in our games to share our success, that’s why we have a generous team profit sharing scheme from day 1 of employment
Creative Wednesdays! (Design and make your own games every Wednesday)
Great work-life balance with flexible working hours
Quarterly team building days – work hard, play hard!
Monthly employee awards

Level Designer (Casual Games)
Skills and Requirement
2 + years experience working as a level designer
Keen interest in Casual mobile games
Proficient in Unity
Experience with evaluating analytics data and/or user feedback and actioning improvements based on it

We offer
We want everyone involved in our games to share our success, that’s why we have a generous team profit sharing scheme from day 1 of employment
Creative Wednesdays! (Design and make your own games every Wednesday)
Great work-life balance with flexible working hours
Quarterly team building days – work hard, play hard!
Monthly employee awards

Game Programmer – Gameplay
What’s the job?
As a Game Programmer (Gameplay) you’ll be focusing on prototyping and refining the feel of games to make a great player experience.

Skills and requirements
At least 3 years of experience in game development with C#.
Experience with Unity.
At least one of the following: console / Android / iOS / Amazon experience.
Excellent communication skills.
An avid interest in either console or mobile games, preferably both.
Ability to derive tasks from a design document.
Attention to detail.
Self motivated.
Ability to work individually and as part of a team.
Experience with source control such as SVN, Git or Perforce
3D and 2D gameplay experience.
Understanding and appropriate use of design patterns.
Rapid prototyping experience would be a plus.
Graphics experience would be a plus.
Android build pipeline experience would be a plus.
Experience integrating 3rd party APIs would be a plus.
RESTful experience would be a plus.

We offer
We want everyone involved in our games to share our success, that’s why we have a generous team profit sharing scheme from day 1 of employment
Creative Wednesdays! (Design and make your own games every Wednesday)
Great work-life balance with flexible working hours
Quarterly team building days – work hard, play hard!
Monthly employee awards

Game Tools Programmer
What’s the job?
As a Game Tools Programmer within the Tools and Tech Department, you will be writing Core code which is the foundation to all our games plus writing tools and software to optimise and automate our processes.

Skills and Requirements
At least 1 years of experience in development with C# or C++.
Experience with Unity.
Unity Editor Tools experience would be a plus.
Experience with scripting languages
Android / iOS experience would be a plus.
Excellent communication skills.
An avid interest in either console or mobile games, preferably both.

We offer
We want everyone involved in our games to share our success, that’s why we have a generous team profit sharing scheme from day 1 of employment
Creative Wednesdays! (Design and make your own games every Wednesday)
Great work-life balance with flexible working hours
Quarterly team building days – work hard, play hard!
Monthly employee awards


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Oficina de jogos narrativos (em Marvila, Lisboa)

Encontrei este post numa rede social e acho o tema muito interessante:
“Oficina de jogos narrativos na Biblioteca Municipal de Marvila, dias 4, 5 e 11 de agosto!
A segunda na série de oficinas de jogos narrativos programadas pelo Atelier Publidrama com a Forja de Papel e as Bibliotecas de Lisboa vai iniciar-se na próxima semana e conta contigo, desta vez em Marvila.
Familiarizar os participantes com os jogos narrativos (sessão 1).
Transmitir técnicas para encenar aventuras (sessão 2).
Partilhar os princípios a que obedece a conceção de cenários (sessão 3).
Datas: 4, 5 e 11 de agosto.
Horário: 20h00-21h00 (prolongável até às 22h00).
Lotação: até 10 participantes.
Acesso: livre, mediante inscrição prévia por email para a Biblioteca Municipal de Marvila, (A participação inclui toda a documentação de apoio à oficina, incluindo uma cópia de Ludodrama, O Sistema de Jogo Narrativo.)
Inscreve-te já!
Num jogo narrativo o encenador prepara um cenário com as grandes linhas do enredo em que se envolvem os protagonistas, as personagens jogadas pelos restantes jogadores. Ao longo do jogo o encenador modera a interação dos protagonistas com as personagens secundárias e os obstáculos que se interpõem no seu caminho. Vem explorar a encenação de um jogo narrativo.”

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Oferta de trabalho (remota, em Portugal)

Encontrei esta oferta que indica que é para Portugal mas não me parece que seja exclusivo.
“Position Summary: Narrative Designer
Full time, 100% remote
As a narrative designer, you will champion everything narrative design related and be a central resource for the team.
Join us in building the next generation of remote international game & publisher.
Competitive salary, excellent benefits, and stock options available for full-time employees.
Reports to: Lead Game Designer

Create emotionally engaging dialogues, story moments, characters and quests.
Create and maintain narrative design documentation to present and explain your intention to the team and act as a point of reference.
Working closely with design, art, audio and other departments: make sure every aspect of the game is enhanced by the narrative and vice versa.
Work in-engine when needed to integrate story elements and iterate on the narrative design.
Help with in-studio voice recording and mocap.

Required Qualifications:
5+ years of experience in a narrative designer position.
Experience with non-linear storytelling and branching dialog tools.
A capacity for autonomy and proactivity. If something is unclear, lacking or misunderstood, you should be able to quickly bring it up and move forward.
Ability to thrive in a fast paced and entrepreneurial environment.

Desired Qualifications
Experience shipping AAA titles a plus.
Experience with the Unreal Engine a plus.
Dedication, teamwork, and professionalism.
Knowledgeable of story-driven console games.”


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Humble Software Bundle: RPG Game Dev RE-Bundle (uma campanha)

Está a decorrer uma nova campanha com assests e efeitos de sons para jogos de RPG. Do texto de apresentação surge “Making a role-playing game? Did you pick up our epic RPG Maker Resurgence bundle? This massive library will be the greatest asset in your game-dev journey! Get collections of art assets including 2D heroes and characters, tile sets, icons, and more—along with RPG-worthy music, sound effects, stingers, and other versatile audio building blocks.”. e a lista é constituída por:
“2D Game Art Bundle
2D Hand Painted – Dungeon Tileset
2D Hand Painted – Grassland Tileset
2D Hand Painted – Interior Tileset
2D Hand Painted – Town Tileset
2D Heroes Characters Bundle
2D Isometric Tile Pack
2D Top-Down Tile Set
7Soul’s RPG Graphics – Icon Pack
7Soul’s RPG Graphics – Sprites
7Soul’s RPG Graphics – UI Pack
Animals RPG Sprites
Battle RPG Music Pack
Cartoon RPG Characters 1
Fantasy RPG Tileset Pack
Game Music Stingers and UI SFX Pack Pack 2
GUI Icons
Inventory SFX Bundle
Magic Spells SFX Bundle
Medieval Fantasy SFX Pack
Monsters Time Fantasy RPG Sprite Pack
Orcs and Beast SFX Pack
Over 80 RPG Characters with Animations
Pixel Characters Collection Vol 1
Pixel Effects Collection Vol 1
Pixel Hero Base
Pro Sound Collection
RPG Dungeon Tileset Plus 2 Bonus Characters
RPG Inventory Icons Pack Vol 1
RPG Items – Retro Pack
RPG Overworld Tileset
Skill Icon Pack
Tiny, Tiny Heroes – Armies
Weapon and Armor Icon Pack”

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Oferta de trabalho (em Lisboa)

A empresa Funcom anda à procura de um “Senior Game Designer” para trabalhar em Lisboa. Da proposta surge:
“How you can have an impact in your position:
5+ years of experience as a game designer
Preferably, experience working in survival games
Extensive experience playing survival in multiple titles
At least 1 shipped AAA title as a designer
Strong sense of level design, scale, pacing, and gameplay flow
General understanding of game engines, technology and the game development process
Experience with Gameplay Scripting

We are looking for someone that has:
Bachelor’s degree
Experience working in survival games
Enjoys playing survival genre games
Familiarity with Dune and the Dune IP

In addition, the perfect candidate has:
Experience working in survival games
Enjoys playing survival genre games
Familiarity with Dune and the Dune IP”

+infos(Funcom): LINK

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Oferta de trabalho (em Portugal)

Encontrei mais uma proposta de trabalho para Portugal. Parece ser uma empresa de RH que está a fazer o trabalho de pesquisa, a saber:
“OPM’s client has a rich history in games with multiple studios across the globe.

The successful candidate will turn visions and ideas into playable events. You will collaborate with the Level/Game Designers and Environment Artist to build engaging play spaces and translate a feature design into a fleshed-out system design with clear iterations.

Previous experience as a game designer.
Experience working in survival games.
Previously shipped a AAA title in a designer role.
Strong sense of Level Design, Scale, pacing and gameplay flows.
An understanding of game engines, technology, and the game development process.
Experience with Gameplay Scripting.
Turning visions and ideas for the game into playable events
Collaborate with other Level/Game Designers and Environment Artists to create engaging play spaces.
Translating feature designs into a fleshed-out system design.
Assist with content creation for game development.
Assist with quality control of all products.
Flexible working schedule.
Relocation assistance.
Healthcare package.
Free gym access.
Interested in finding out more about the studio and project? Apply now or call me directly today on +44 (0) 1206 214425!”

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50 Years of Text Games: From Oregon Trail to A.I. Dungeon, um livro

Esta é uma campanha que estive de olho, não porque seja o meu género de videojogo mas porque conta um pedaço de histórica acerca daqueles tipos de videojogos que fazem uso da escrita para o desenrolar das narrativas! Do autor Aaron A. Reed surge mais um livro no mercado para mostrar um pouco de outra parte da história dos videojogos.

+infos(campanha): LINK
+infos(o autor): Palestra do autor

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Oferta de trabalho (remoto, em Portugal)

Uma empresa Sueca anda  à procura em Portugal de um Game Designer… da propostas surge:

“The Gang is now looking for Game Designers to work on creating art for our new projects and our existing games. As a Game Designer at The Gang your main role is to work closely with the other disciplines to drive and fulfill the vision of the game and to deliver an experience that meets the expectations of the players and the team.
You will be responsible for designing and balancing features, build levels, write story and quests, onboarding and more. Together with the team make sure that the project planning and documentation is up to date and through play tests and feedback iterate on the games. In case of work for hire productions you will be the creative point of contact, so a strong social competence is highly desired for this role.

Required Qualifications
4+ years of games industry experience
Fluent in English, both written and spoken
Great knowledge of Agile workflows such as Scrum or Kanban
Exceptional communication skills
Must be based in Portugal

Desired Qualifications
Audio design and production skills
Strong monetization knowledge from free to play
Strong UX design skills
Experience in making games for target audiences of 5-12 years
Programming skills (c-family, Lua, Javascript)

What we offer
A role in a growing and highly collaborative group with room to both diversify your skills and focus on your specialization.
The opportunity to work on our own established IPs as well as working with some of the biggest brand clients worldwide.
The opportunity to work with a diverse, fun, and talented team.
A 100% remote work environment.
Yearly wellness allowance.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, please click on the apply button above or send an email with your CV written in English to with subject line ‘Game Designer Portugal'”

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Encontrei este grupo “IGDA Climate Special Interest Group” que é um SIG e que se debruça sobre: “serves to unlock grassroots climate action, enable climate councils on every major game company, and amplify the UN Environment’s message about youth advocacy, the power of video games, the climate crisis, and what games can do.”

têm produzidos vários documentos bem como alguns videos sobre o tema de desenvolvimento de videojogos. Mais um recursos sobre este tema!!



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Asset Forge: uma ferramenta

Mais uma ferramenta para auxiliar no processo de desenvolvimento de assets (modelos) para videojogos sem grande preocupação com a aprendizagem acerca de modelar :)

Foi desenvolvida pela equipa do kenney e fica aqui o registo..


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Humble Software Bundle: Learn Game Development for Beginners (uma campanha)

Mais uma campanha da malta da Humble com a GamedevTV, com uma série cursos e assets para aqueles que querem começar a aprender um pouco sobre as tecnologias que permitem desenvolver videojogos. Do texto de apresentação surge:
“Level up your skills in coding, art, and more game dev fundamentals with these beginners’ online courses from! Whether you’re interested in building your own game or pursuing a studio career, you’ll get dozens of hours of expert instruction to help you build a foundation in Unity, Unreal Engine, Blender, C++, C#, and more”

a lista é composta por:
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D Course
Unreal Engine Blueprint Game Developer Course
Blender Low Poly Landscapes Course
C++ Fundamentals: Game Programming For Beginners Course
Complete Drawing: Create Video Game Concept Art Course
Make Games In Scratch: Programming For Absolute Beginners Course
Make Your First Web Game Using Construct 3 Course
Pixel Art Fundamentals – 2D Game Art Course
Desert Village Asset Pack
Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Game Developers Course
Math For Video Games Course

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Proposta de trabalho (em Oeiras)

Miniclip is looking for a Senior Game Designer to hire in our Lisbon (Portugal) Games Development Studio. This is a full-time position.

Your Primary Responsibilities Will Include
Work with the team to design and craft gameplay experiences and game features that deliver strong player engagement, virality, retention, and monetisation.
Work with the team to create and craft game content to delight players, and devise & balance meta-game economies to maximise game performance.
Write, review and give feedback on game/feature design documents, builds, and game roadmap plans.
Participate as a key member of the product team across the product life-cycle, working on new titles, games in production, and live titles, proposing high-impact updates to our existing portfolio of games.
Help identify and deconstruct new markets and opportunities, expanding the portfolio of the company and staying in the cutting edge of the mobile gaming industry.
Collaborate with other designers to improve overall output, and support the team in growing & developing their design capabilities.
Assist with reviewing, scheduling & prioritising design team workload.

Skills & Experience
We are looking for a social, hard-working person who enjoys working in a team, and is passionate about games, and mobile free-to-play. The ideal candidate will be articulate, proactive & energetic, with the following attributes
Significant experience designing successful free-to-play published titles, preferably on mobile.
Experience across the product life cycle, from prototyping, through production, to updating a live free-to-play game.
Strong knowledge of the mobile & social game space, with exceptional understanding of current design techniques to deliver excellent engagement, retention, and monetisation.
Highly numerate, with experience designing virtual currencies and managing in-game economies.
Experience with reviewing game analytics, designing AB tests, and producing insights based on data to make better informed design decisions.
Strong grasp of mobile user-experience design, and ability to consider & empathise with many different types of players.
Mature judgment, able to balance between innovation and setting reasonable goals.
Collaborative & effective communicator, with an ability to work with multinational teams, with a variety of cultural backgrounds.
A hard worker, with drive, initiative, and ability to self-manage effectively.
Highly organised, with a track-record of guiding & advising others (some management experience is ideal).
Ability to compromise and prioritise appropriately to deliver to tight deadlines.
Additional Information

You will be working in our fashionable, open plan studio in Lisbon with enthusiasts and professionals from the games industry. We like to maintain a very friendly and relaxed atmosphere, with regular team building and social events. We understand that being tied to a desk all day is not fun and that’s why there is a games area and fridge with complimentary drinks and fruit for all staff.”

+infos(oficial): LINK

+infos(oficial): LINK outras propostas

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Para uma peça de teatro..

Não que seja algo que entenda muito mas encontrei este concurso que achei interessante:

Hello! I’ve recently been forging my theatre company – Pixel Syndrome – makers of multifaceted, playable theatre that is influenced and informed by video game ideology and gaming culture.
And I’m running a unique competition for sound and music-makers – with a CASH PRIZE!

My favorite console start-up sound is the original PlayStation. It’s iconic and inspiring. When that logo suddenly fades in and hits ya with that jingle, it gives me goosebumps. And it got me thinking. In line with Pixel Syndrome’s vision, I thought wouldn’t it be cool if my logo was accompanied by a start-up sound reminiscent of the days when we used to boot up old gaming consoles.
And thus, that is the contest:
To design an original piece of start-up music!

A few things to bear in mind:
Length of sound must be between 5-10 seconds long
1 entry per participant
Keep in mind that the sound will be playing under a fade-in of the Pixel Syndrome logo
Make sure you follow @pixelsyndrometheatre on Instagram/@Pixsyndrome on Twitter – the winner will be revealed there!

Prize: £100 + your start-up sound will be used as the official Pixel Syndrome “start-up screen”.

Deadline: July 14th 2022 midnight
Please send all submissions to:”

+infos(rede social): LINK

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Proposta de trabalho (em Lisboa/hibrida)

Do anuncio de FRVR Studio Ursus surge:
“We’re looking for a creative and proactive Game Designer that loves to collaborate with a small team and is willing to make design decisions, both big and small.

What you will be doing
Be responsible for the end to end design of complete games
Design features from ideas to mockups, wireframes and flows.
Systems design and balancing
Use a healthy combination of data and gut feeling to inform your design
Collaborate closely with a small team of developers and artists

Worked as a Game Designer on at least 2 shipped games
Enjoys collaborating with artists and programmers
Used to communicating your designs through wireframes, sketches and other visual means
Plays games regularly

Nice To Have
Experience with instant or social games
Experience with multiplayer games
Experience with games that runs on video calls
Experience with small teams

We offer
A job with a high degree of freedom and influence
Full time employment
100% remote work
Flexible work hours
Competitive salary”
+infos: LINK

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Oferta de trabalho (remoto, em Portugal)

O estúdio do Porto “Creative Method Studios” está à procura de um artista que desenvolva trabalho em Pixel Art, da proposta surge:

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Oferta de trabalho (remoto, em Portugal)

A Arkadium procura um Unity Games Software Engineer com os requisitos de:
Lead continued development of new features in Unity mobile games
Deliver solid code that is bug-free, maintainable, and scalable
Develop comprehensive documentation, both inside code and in internal wiki, and refactor projects to meet architectural best practices
Review code from other developers and share technical knowledge to improve overall team quality
Develop shared modules, plug-ins, and templates to help improve team productivity
Work in rapid iteration, accurately providing time estimates and producing polished playable builds
Work in an Agile environment as part of a multi-disciplinary team that values speed and autonomy

Our Ideal Candidate Has:
A bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
3+ year experience in mobile game development
A portfolio of previous game examples (preferably with source code in a git repository) in addition to your resume
Strong familiarity with Unity, C#, and mobile technologies
Strong knowledge of programming fundamentals, design patterns, and math
Experience integrating third-party SDKs and libraries
Experience with version control and project management tools
Experience working in an Agile team
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Proficiency in English
All applicants must be legally authorized / have the necessary visa to work in Portugal

Competitive compensation with structured performance and career development check-ins
Competitive compensation with structured performance and career development check-ins
Meaningful supplemental health insurance (medical, dental & vision plans)
Meal allowance
Additional budget for conferences you are interested in
Personal development budget to fuel your passions and desire to learn (Arkadians are taking classes in not only Excel and leadership, but also interior design and even swimming!)
Time off from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day so we can all enjoy the holidays
A unique culture of transparency, true teamwork and fun
Summer Fridays: 4 Fridays off throughout the Summer to have more fun in the sun”

+infos(oficial): LINK

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