Para uma peça de teatro..
Não que seja algo que entenda muito mas encontrei este concurso que achei interessante:
Hello! I’ve recently been forging my theatre company – Pixel Syndrome – makers of multifaceted, playable theatre that is influenced and informed by video game ideology and gaming culture.
And I’m running a unique competition for sound and music-makers – with a CASH PRIZE!
My favorite console start-up sound is the original PlayStation. It’s iconic and inspiring. When that logo suddenly fades in and hits ya with that jingle, it gives me goosebumps. And it got me thinking. In line with Pixel Syndrome’s vision, I thought wouldn’t it be cool if my logo was accompanied by a start-up sound reminiscent of the days when we used to boot up old gaming consoles.
And thus, that is the contest:
To design an original piece of start-up music!
A few things to bear in mind:
Length of sound must be between 5-10 seconds long
1 entry per participant
Keep in mind that the sound will be playing under a fade-in of the Pixel Syndrome logo
Make sure you follow @pixelsyndrometheatre on Instagram/@Pixsyndrome on Twitter – the winner will be revealed there!
Prize: £100 + your start-up sound will be used as the official Pixel Syndrome “start-up screen”.
Deadline: July 14th 2022 midnight
Please send all submissions to:”
+infos(rede social): LINK
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