BoardGames e referências..
estudos: Board Game Studies Journal
blog: “Boardgames That Tell Stories”
livro: “Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming (Game Histories) (Inglês) 1st Edition”
+infos(amazon): LINK
blog: Designers and Dragons
livro: “On Wargaming: How Wargames Have Shaped History and How They May Shape The Future” de Matthew B Caffrey Jr.’s
+infos(goodreads): LINK
blog: Meeples Together
livro: Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations de R. C. Bell
+infos(amazon): LINK
livro: Dice Games Properly Explained de Reiner Knizi
+infos(amazon): LINK
livro: Playing at the World by Jon Peterson
+infos(amazon): LINK
livro: eurogames: The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Board Games de Stewart Woods
+infos(amazon): LINK
blog: Analog Game Studies
livro: The Kobold’s Guide to (Board) Game Design
+infos(amazon): LINK
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