Tag: javascript games
Concurso js13kGames
E que tal entrar num concurso para desenvolver um jogo, durante um mês? requisito o jogo tem que ser desenvolvido em javascript, numa qualquer biblioteca, e só pode ocupar 13k no máximo!
“We want to kick-start 2020’s JS13kGames coding competition with you. Together with the competition’s creator, game developer and Mozilla Tech Speaker Andrzej Mazur, you will learn about the competition’s history, this year’s theme and tips for the upcoming month of coding.
Js13kGames is a JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 Game Developers. The fun part is the file size limit set to 13 kilobytes. The competition starts on Tuesday (August 13th) and runs for an entire month. The theme for 2020 will be announced on 13th August.”
interessante também a quantidade de referências que este site tem acerca de ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de videojogos
+infos(oficial): https://js13kgames.com/