Tag: ferramenta
Game UI Database
Um recurso interessante para conhecer as UI que são usadas noutros jogos, em diferentes géneros..
+infos(oficial): https://www.gameuidatabase.com/
Tileset generator
Encontrei mais uma aplicação para a construção de tiles para videojogos!
+infos(oficial): https://yusastudios.itch.io/tileset-generator
Encontrei esta ferramenta que permite desenhar no formato de “pixels”. É uma ferramenta de uso gratuito e que foi desenvolvida com a ajuda do software Godot.
Ainda não testei, mas parece ser uma ferramenta bastante simples de se usar, mas com todas as funcionalidades para quem pretende usar a estratégia de “pixéis” para gerar o grafismo/sprites 2D para um videojogo.
+infos(oficial): https://orama-interactive.itch.io/pixelorama
Uma lista colaborativa acerca de ferramentas open-source #opensource
Tiny/weirdo game engines:
Game engines that let you make a full game, but often within a particular style, ethos, framework, or with other limitations. Generally quick to pick up and work with, made for accessibility.
- Flickgame – A truly tiny engine, link frames to other frames. Share online or export.
- GB Studio – A drag and drop gameboy interface that lets you do some scripting. Export to html or an actual gameboy rom!
- Bitsy – Bitsy is a simple sprite-based editor that lets you build rooms & worlds. Walk around and talk to people and be somewhere. Has a strong community.
- Borksy / Bitsy HD / bitsy hacks / bitsy mixer template – Hacks that extend the functionality of bitsy in various ways.
- Flicksy – A tool for drawing and assembling graphical hypertext games – lets you import drawings!
- Mosi – Similar to bitsy, but with more color & sound support, and more advanced scripting options.
- Bravitzlana – A tool for making small interactive scenes (3d! kind of) that you can share with people.
- PuzzleScript – An open source, HTML5 puzzle-game oriented editor.
- Dungeonscript – Puzzlescript, but first person
- RPG Paper Maker – An extremely cute jrpg-focused engine that lets you place flat sprites in a 3d world. (free, but $70 if you sell your game commercially)
- Flatgames / Flatpack – Flatgames are as much a concept as engine (2d, a raw combination of movement, art and sound), but Flatpack bundles those ideas up into a tool that you can import into Unity or run on Android.
- Tiny Game Maker – For small, one screen games without programming.
- Kooltool – An experimental game making tool which has Kidpix vibes.
- The Unfolding Game Engine – One to watch (in early access right now). A “paint a world” engine that lets you make your world while playing it. 2.5d.
- Multiverse – Not out yet – a storytelling and game making tools/game.
- Bitmelo – A game editor and engine for making small pixel art games. In early access, exports to HTML5.
- Sok Worlds ($3) – A truly wild game/tool where you make and explore 3d collage worlds (images from the pixabay API, but there are over a million to choose from.).
- Sok Stories ($3) – A drawing-based way to make and share games.
- Playscii – Also an ascii art and animation program, but the game mode documented here: http://vectorpoem.com/playscii/howto_game.html
- Wick Editor – Also an animation program- a friendly flash-like for multimedia projects that allows interaction and game-like play.
- Unicorn Console – A “a quick and dirty engine … with a resolution of 400×240 pixels.”
- Vipercard – An open source reimagining of 1987’s Hypercard.
- Twine – An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. Has a big community and multiple versions and themes.
- Choicescript – Like Twine, but for more traditional CYOA gamebooks-with-stats. Tight community on the forums.
- Tiny Choice – The tiniest of twine-likes, written in the browser.
- Inform – A design system for interactive fiction which has been around for a while!
- Ink – A narrative engine designed to slot into a game engine.
- StudyCrafter – A scratch-like platform where you can play, share, and create interactive projects, on the browser or offline, and collect data from players.
- Inklewriter – The “baby” Ink, runs in browser and great for CYOA, same UI as Sorcery!
- The Adliberum Engine – (Free but on Steam, early access) Make text adventures, muds and text-powered roleplaying games.
- Yarn Spinner – The friendly tool for writing game dialogue.
- Cheap Bots Done Quick – A site where you can make a twitterbot today.
Indie/open source bigger game engines:
Indie and open source game engines with more flexibility and power than the little engines above, and generally also another layer of complication. (Perhaps most useful for if you are concerned about free but closed-source engines like Unity.)
- Superpowers – HTML5 2d + 3d engine, coding in Typescript.
- HaxeFlixel – Cross-platform development, open source
- Godot – Perhaps the most complete and well documented open source engine, for 2d and 3d.
- Heaps – A free and open source cross platform graphics engine written in Haxe.
- DOME – A framework for making 2D games using the Wren programming language.
- luxe – In development: a 2d-focused engine, code in Wren.
- LITIENGINE – A free and open source Java 2D Game Engine.
- Starling – A Cross Platform Game Engine.
- LÖVR – An open source framework for rapidly building VR experiences in Lua.
- Ren’Py – Free, open source cross-platform Visual Novel development engine.
- Adventure Game Studio – Free engine for making point & click adventure games.
- Phaser.io – Desktop and mobile HTML5 game framework, using javascript.
- Pixelbox.js – Combination editor and a simple JavaScript library.
- Amulet – A free Lua-based audio/visual toolkit suitable for small games and experimentation, with online editor.
Fantasy consoles:
A fantasy console is like a regular console (machine specs, dev tools, community), but without hardware. It is like an emulator for a machine that never existed. Generally, these are in the form of an application.
- Pico8 ($15) – probably the most popular fantasy console for game dev, pico8 has harsh limitations but that are intentionally chosen. code is written in lua. export to standalone HTML+JS or PNG (fantasy cartridge, need pico8 to play)
- Tic-80 – coding in lua and moonscript. export to html or .tic.
- Pixel Vision 8 (free, pro version is $30) – a no-console fantasy computer, navigate like the familiar icon-based desktops you know.
- LIKO-12 – Entirely open-source and free, written in Lua. The dev says: “Why did I develop this? Because I wanted to buy PICO-8 but that’s not possible without credit cards (no internet shopping in Syria)”
- Pix64 – an extremely tiny fantasy console (64×64 px).
- Homegirl Pro – A fantasy console with a very different vibe! This one dispenses of pixel nostalgia and is modeled after a Commodore Amiga. Coding in Lua.
- VectorBoy – Again, a fantasy console that breaks the mold – VectorBoy uses straight lines to emulate vector graphics.
- VVpet – A fantasy console for LCD virtual pet games
- Voxatron – ($20, come with Pico-8) Fantasy Console for voxel (3d pixel, kind of?) games.
- LowRes NX – BASIC programming on iOS, as well as desktops.
- Pyxel – A retro game engine for Python
- Zany80 – A fantasy console designed around the Z80 processor.
- Riko4 – A Fantasy Console intended as a tool for pixel art game development.
- ECoS – A modern fantasy console with Entity-Component-System modular architecture.
- Nano JAMMER – A truly tiny console that runs in the browser and integrates into Google Drive. Code in the nano programming language.
- Rewtro – A wild little console that runs games encoded in a very small amount of data, meaning they can be printed as qr-codes.
- Script-8 – A fantasy computer for making, sharing, and playing tiny retro-looking games. Free, browser-based, and open-source. Code in Javascript
Didn’t find what you were looking for? Just into fantasy consoles? More of them detailed here: https://github.com/paladin-t/fantasy
Neat Unity extenders:
Tools or plug-ins that change the experience of using Unity.
- Oikospiel-tools – Trigger-based tools for Unity for crafting games without programming.
- Unity Bitmap Drawing – A library for adding real-time drawing to your Unity project.
- Clayxels – Adds tiny voxels that seamlessly blend together like clay.
- unity-wave-function-collapse – Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example.
- Tessera (5$)- 2d / 3d wave function collapse generation.
- Borderless Unity Windows – A tiny tool for making Unity frameless apps from script.
- First Person Drifter – The original drifting game controller. Download an updated package for Unity 2019 from me here.
- Unity Recorder – An editor-only tool that captures video and animation data during gameplay.
- Bobbin – A small Unity editor tool that can automatically download and import anything with a URL into the project.
- Meshedit ($35) – A Unity extension that lets you create and texture models from scratch.
- Doodlestudio 95 ($45) – A FUN drawing and animation tool for Unity.
- Raymarching Toolkit ($75) – A Unity add-on for editing raymarched scenes live.
- Path Creator – Path creation asset for Unity game development
- NaughtyAttributes – Create powerful inspectors without the need for custom editors.
- UCLA Game Lab Mesh Creator – Extrudes 2D drawings into 3D objects.
- Rhythm beat mapper ($45) – Synchronizes gameplay to music in your video game.
- JPEG-MP4-Compression – recreates the effect of JPEG/MP4 compression as a PostProcessing Effect.
Godot Extenders:
Tools or plug-ins that change the experience of using Godot.
- WAT – An automated testing framework for Godot built entirely within Godot itself
Maps, place, & levels:
Tools for making maps & levels – some of them simply visual, others generate data.
- Tiled – The standard free, easy to use and flexible level editor.
- OGMO – A free, open source, project oriented level editor.
- Tilesetter – Tileset designing made easy.
- SPARTAN Procedural Tile Generator – A pixel art drawing and animation tool specialised in creating tiles and animated sprites for games.
- Medieval Fantasy Town Generator – Generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size & can export to JSON.
- City Viewer – The city viewer to see the above/other maps in 3d!
- One Page Dungeon – A very simple one page dungeon generator.
- Map Generator – A cellular automata tool for building custom maps, envisioned for use in tabletop roleplaying games.
- Paper Dungeon Maker – A very little map generator with optional csv output.
- RPG Map II – A tabletop oriented map editor with clean and simple design.
- Snazzy Maps – Nice map stylings for Google Maps.
- Google Earth Studio – Automate flying about the world.
- Topo Topo – Get a little square of 3d elevation data, anywhere.
- Nototo – Build and visualize all your notes, as a map
- terrain.party – nice interface for getting terrain heightmaps anywhere in the world
+infos(fonte): http://everest-pipkin.com/teaching/tools.html
Ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de videojogos e outras apps
Existem por aí uma série de sites, mais ou menos sérios, mais ou menos criteriosos acerca de ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de videojogos ou apps
+infos(por Eden Beinart): LINK
videojogos: ferramenta Stencyl
A explorar esta ferramenta visual para o desenvolvimento de videojogos.
+infos: http://www.stencyl.com/
presskit() “spend time making games, not press”
O presskit() é uma ferramenta para construir rapidamente uma página para fazer publicidade a um videojogo :P
+infos(oficial): http://dopresskit.com/
Mais uma ferramenta online mas desta vez com sabor a actionscript :P
+infos: http://www.openfl.org/
mais duas ferrametas open source
Mais duas ferramentas open source a explorar para o desenvolvimento de jogos ou instalações interativas ? :P
libgdx – http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/
cocos2d-x – http://www.cocos2d-x.org/