Probabilidades em jogos de tauleiro

Encontrei este post sobre probabilidades em jogos de tabuleiro. Interessante como uma introdução simples a este mecanismo.

Board games have always been a cherished pastime for friends and family. Whether you are navigating the dynamic world of Settlers of Catan, amassing property in Monopoly, or orchestrating epic battles in Risk, one common element consistently adds excitement and unpredictability to these games: dice. The roll of the dice often determines the outcome of the game, and having this understanding of probability can transform every move into a strategic calculation.


Defining Probability
In the context of board games, this event is often the result of a dice roll. Dice typically has a specific number of sides, most commonly six. When you roll a standard six-sided die, each face has an equal chance of landing face up, which is 1/6.

In the world of board games, probability is a fundamental concept. It governs a significant portion of the game’s mechanics, with dice rolls determining everything from player movement to battle outcomes and resource acquisition. So, let’s see how these principles come to life in two iconic board games.

Methodology: Probability at Play
To better understand how probability works in these board games, let’s delve into the methodology of calculating probabilities and their application.

Calculating Probabilities in Monopoly:
To calculate the probability of rolling a specific number in Monopoly, we can use a simple formula. The probability of rolling a number N with two six-sided dice is calculated as follows:

Probability(N) = (Number of ways to roll N) / (Total possible outcomes)
In Monopoly, for example, if we want to calculate the probability of rolling a 7, there are six ways to do so (1+6, 2+5, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, and 6+1). As there are 36 total possible outcomes when rolling two six-sided dice (6 sides on the first die * 6 sides on the second die), the probability of rolling a 7 is 6/36, which is 1/6.

Calculating Probabilities in Risk:
In Risk, understanding the probability of winning a battle can be a bit more complex due to the use of multiple dice. To calculate the probability of winning a battle, you need to consider the number of armies involved on both sides and the type of dice being used (red for the attacker, white for the defender).

The probability of winning a battle can be calculated as follows:
Determine the number of armies involved on both sides (Attacker and Defender).
Based on the number of armies, select the appropriate number of dice. Attackers typically roll either 1, 2, or 3 dice, while defenders usually roll either 1 or 2 dice.
For each combination of dice rolled by the attacker and defender, calculate the probability of the attacker winning and the defender winning.
Sum the probabilities of all the combinations where the attacker wins to find the overall probability of the attacker winning the battle.
This process can be complex, especially when dealing with larger armies and more dice, but it provides players with a way to make informed decisions about attacking or defending territories.

An Example in Risk: Calculating Battle Probabilities
Let’s illustrate this methodology with an example in Risk. Suppose you are the attacker with three armies, and your opponent is the defender with two armies. You decide to use two red dice as the attacker, and your opponent uses one white die as the defender. How do you calculate the probability of winning this battle?

Step 1: Determine the number of armies involved.
Attacker: 3 armies
Defender: 2 armies

Step 2: Select the appropriate number of dice.
Attacker: 2 red dice
Defender: 1 white die

Step 3: Calculate the probability for each combination of dice outcomes.
To calculate the probability for each combination, you need to compare the highest value rolled on the attacker’s dice to the highest value rolled on the defender’s die.
Attacker rolls [2, 4]
Defender rolls [3]

In this combination, the attacker wins because the highest value rolled by the attacker (4) is greater than the highest value rolled by the defender (3).
Attacker rolls [1, 5]
Defender rolls [6]

In this combination, the defender wins because the highest value rolled by the defender (6) is greater than the highest value rolled by the attacker (5).
Attacker rolls [6, 6]
Defender rolls [4]

In this combination, the attacker wins because the highest value rolled by the attacker (6) is greater than the highest value rolled by the defender (4).
Step 4: Sum the probabilities of all the combinations where the attacker wins.
In this case, there are two combinations where the attacker wins: [2, 4] and [6, 6]. To find the overall probability of the attacker winning the battle, you add the probabilities of these two combinations.

Probability of Attacker Winning = (Probability of [2, 4] winning) + (Probability of [6, 6] winning)

This process yields the final probability of the attacker winning the battle, which helps you make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the attack.

The roll of the dice is the heartbeat of many board games, injecting a dose of unpredictability into every move. Whether you are acquiring properties in Monopoly or participating in epic battles in Risk, understanding the underlying probabilities can transform your gaming experience. Probability offers a framework for making informed decisions, helping you maximize your chances of success and minimize your risks.

In the world of board games, as in life, the dice of destiny are never entirely predictable. However, with a grasp of probability and a strategic mindset, you can navigate the twists and turns of the game board with confidence. So, the next time you gather for a game night with friends and family, remember that the roll of the dice is not just a random event; it’s an opportunity to exercise your strategic prowess and make every move count in the pursuit of victory. Embrace the dice of destiny, and let them be the guiding stars of your board game adventures.

+infos(fonte): LINK

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