Tag: inspiração

A história de Kirt Olson

A história de Kirt Olson, um não profissional que no final de um ano e meio publicou o seu primeiro videojogo :)

Do relato destaco:
1) Make a schedule,
“even if I only had 10 minutes one day, I would try to do something small like choosing a font for a game menu or watching a Game Developer Conference (GDC) talk on level design.”;
” I spent 17 hours each week learning how to make games”

2)Learn the basics

3) Make and publish lots of small games
“Once you’ve learned the basics of how to use Unity and how to do some C# programming, you need to start making lots of small games and publishing them for others to play.”
“A big part of being an indie game developer is not knowing how to do everything but learning how to solve problems on your own.”
” Starting and finishing lots of small games will teach you the most and help develop that crucial skill of teaching yourself how to solve problems.”

4) Choosing the right idea
“Is it a game I can actually make?
Is it something people will want to buy?
Is it something I will enjoy making?”

+infos(a história): LINK

+infos(outra referência do autor): LINK

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