Europe in Crisis (eCrisis) Project Launch
De Malta para o mundo..
“The Institute of Digital Games would like to invite you to the launch of the new research project “Europe in Crisis” (eCrisis), funded through the Erasmus+ Programme. The 3-year eCrisis project aims to enable inclusive education through playful and game-based learning and, thereby, foster the development of social, civic and intercultural competences such as conflict resolution, creative thinking, and reflective debate in primary and secondary education students.
The project will launch with an opening address by the Minister of Education and Employment, Hon. E. Bartolo and the Rector of the University of Malta, Prof. A. Vella. A number of internationally established researchers and educators from Malta, Greece and Austria will also talk about game-based learning, creative thinking, conflict resolution, and social inclusion in education. Guests will also have the opportunity to try out the games that form the basis of the project and connect with the researchers.
Educators are particularly welcome! Through this event there will be the opportunity to collaborate with you over the coming 3 years.
Venue: Institute of Digital Games, University Campus
Date: 21th October 2016
Time: 16:00 – 18:00″
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