//java -cp . aula04TSincronizacaoII class SynchBlock implements Runnable { // A STRING WHICH CAN BE MODIFIED. // ACCESS TO BUFFER AIMS AT BEING SYNCHRONIZED // WITHOUT MODIFYING STRINGBUFFER. StringBuffer buffer; //acumulador int counter; public SynchBlock() { buffer = new StringBuffer(); counter = 1; } //a thread public void run() { // { //sem sincronized synchronized (buffer) { // sincronização.. System.out.println("Starting synchronized block [ "+ Thread.currentThread().getName() +"]"); int tempVariable = counter++; //variavel temp= 0, mas o counter=1 // CREATE MESSAGE TO ADD TO BUFFER, INCLUDING LINE FEED String message = "Count value is : " + tempVariable + System.lineSeparator(); try { // SIMULATE TIME NEEDED FOR SOME TASK Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } buffer.append(message); System.out.println("... ending synchronized block "+ Thread.currentThread().getName() +"]"); } } } //java -cp . aula04TSincronizacaoII public class aula04TSincronizacaoII { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { // CREATE A NEW RUNNABLE INSTANCE SynchBlock block = new SynchBlock(); Thread t1 = new Thread(block); Thread t2 = new Thread(block); Thread t3 = new Thread(block); Thread t4 = new Thread(block); t1.start(); t2.start(); t3.start(); t4.start(); // WAIT FOR ALL THREE THREADS TO FINISH t1.join(); t2.join(); t3.join(); t4.join(); // COUNT SHOULD APPEAR IN THE CORRECT ORDER System.out.println(block.buffer); } }
Tags : PD2122, programação distribuída
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